How to Add & change Logo in Divi Theme?


If you have recently purchased the Elegant themes (if not, get Divi Discount), then you might want to learn “How to change logo in Divi theme?” Well! As I have been using Divi theme builder to design pages for my clients, I would like to teach the process of adding and changing the logo in the Divi WordPress theme. For easy understanding, I have presented a video tutorial in this blog post as well.

A well-designed logo in the site header makes the website more professional and reflects your business brand. A clean logo is the symbol of the website owner’s vision and hence you should avoid the common logo mistakes. All the page builder themes provide the option to add and change a new logo to the website through which you can establish your business brand.

In the Divi page builder WordPress theme, we can easily add and change the website logo in just five steps through the easy customization options and it is possible to make it adjustable to different locations of the header. Yes, you heard it right! Also, you can modify its size as well. Before getting into the tutorial, I would like to tell you the importance of having a business logo.

Why is a logo necessary for business websites?

An attractive logo can convey reliability and authorization about your business and its services that would make a significant impact in your customer’s mind. It is a memorable matter about your brand identity.

A clear design of the logo and its placement on your website tells about your business vision and loyalty to your clients. Yup! you will earn a great reputation so that they would like to buy your products or services without any second thought.

That’s why many WordPress page builder themes give more importance to keep the designed logo in the header and at different places as well. The placement and size of the logo concerning the header size make a notable impact on your audience’s mind.

How to Add New Logo in Divi Theme?

Adding a new logo to the Divi theme involves five steps!

1. Log in to your WP Admin Dashboard

2. Go to the Divi tab and then Theme Options in the Menu.

3. Click Upload to add the newly designed logo or existing one from the media library.


4. Select the logo image you have created and click the Set As logo button.

5. Do save changes to theme options, that’s all.

You have added a new logo to your Divi theme. Refresh your webpage and now, you will be able to see your new logo at the site header.

How To Change Logo In Divi Page Builder Theme?

Divi theme has logo change options that reveal the importance of logo placement in WordPress websites. Yes, we can change the logo on your business website with the options like,

Change Logo location at the header

Modify the Size of the Logo

Divi page builder offers three different places to add a logo in the header using the “Header and Navigation” options. 

Step 1: After the new logo uploaded to the Divi theme options page using the steps provided in the above part of the post, go to the Divi menu in the WordPress dashboard.

Step 2: Here you have the option – Theme Customizer under the Divi tab. Just click it!


Step 3: Now, you are entering into the customization settings page and there you need to choose the ‘Header & Navigation” choice.

Step 4: Pick the option ‘Header Format

Step 5: Under the Header style, you have the dropdown with five options for the header logo and navigation place. They are,

1. Default

2. Centered

3. Centered Inline Logo

4. Slide In

5. Fullscreen 

These settings provide three different locations for the logo in the header area as follows

  • Logo placed on the left side of the header
  • Logo placed on Top of header
  • Logo placed in the center between menu items

How to Place logo At the Left side of the header In Divi?

Among the five options provided in the header and navigation placements under theme customizer options, we can choose either Default or Full screen or Slide-in option for logo location as the left side of the header. 

Go to Dashboard and then choose Divi > Theme Customizer > Header and Navigation > Header format.

Choose any of the above 3 choices.

I have picked the option “Default” that places the Logo on the left-hand side of the header as shown in the image.


How to place logo at the top of the header using Divi Theme?

To add the logo at the top of the header choose Divi > Theme Customizer > Header and Navigation > Header format.

Under header format, use the second option “Centered” in the dropdown menu, and saving the changes will make the logo appear at the top of your website like the below screenshot.


How to place a logo centered in between menu items in the header using Divi?

Go to the WordPress admin Dashboard > Divi > Theme Customizer > Header and Navigation > Header format

In the header format, choose the third option “Centered Inline” option to locate your business logo in between menu items as shown in the image.


How To Change Logo Size In Divi Theme?

We can change the logo size using the Header and navigation options in the Divi theme customizer. For example, if you enabled the primary navigation menu bar on your website, you can edit logo height and menu height in the primary navigation menu settings page itself. 

Follow these steps to achieve this logo size change go to the WordPress Dashboard, Divi > Theme Customizer > Header & Navigation > Primary menu bar.

You can then edit the logo max height and menu height in the Theme Customizer to change the size of your logo and adjust it based on the menu bar.


For the Primary Menu Bar settings in the theme customizer, you can set the Divi logo max height between 30 to 100 pixels. You can set the menu height in the Theme Customizer between 30 to 300 pixels.

By using these settings, If you want, you can hide the logo image as well. And modify the design of the navigation menu as per the logo image by these settings.

Divi Page builder theme offers to find the logo located in the header and its appearance and size customization using Divi theme customizer for better brand building with a business logo.

Adding & changing Logo In Divi Theme – Video Tutorial

If you can’t understand the step-by-step guidelines to add and change Logo in Divi theme, then here is the video tutorial for you!

Wrapping Up: How to Change Logo in Divi theme?

An eye-catching logo makes your product or service stand unique from your competitor’s products through trust and longevity. Now come to the Divi page builder theme, we have many options to place your logo in various header places and make your business site unique. 

Divi theme makes the logo change easier through its theme customizer. You can add and change the Logo location, appearance, and size using the Divi theme customizer. If you need any help in setting up the site logo in the Divi theme, catch me through the comment section.

by Sakthi
Sakthi is a thoughtful guy who specializes in WordPress Setup & Design. He is interested in designing the functional & attractive WordPress themes for the Digital marketers & Bloggers and helping them attain their goals with a tailored site. Being an Elite author of, he is interested in sharing his knowledge through the helpful tutorials.

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