Exciting Giveaway ideas for Fashion Blog Branding


Looking for fashion blog giveaway ideas for better branding but not sure how to start? Then it is the ideal page where you have landed.

Whether you want to engross more of your customers or want to improve the current prospects, it is essential that you always look for the right type of solution that can give your fashion blog a better path.

But often, it becomes a problem to come up with better ideas that can help you stand in a much better way.

There is no denying that promotional giveaways can be a new market strategy that will give you a better outcome always. There are several brands that are coming up with ideas like sweepstakes and giveaways for better marketing.

Best Giveaway Ideas For The Fashion Bloggers

Rewards increase sales and interest in your services or products. If you have made up your mind, here are some of the best giveaway ideas for fashion blog.

1. Consider the option of sweepstakes

You can always go for sweepstakes and contests, which is the most common yet successful way to drive engagement better. It can help you gain better customer acquisition as well. If you let your blog leverage the promotions similarly, you have more winning chances.

Be it your first time, or plan to go for this option again, you need to be clear with a few things. You must know the rules and content associated with the sweepstakes. This can vary as per the region.

You must clearly understand the rules of the region where you are planning to hold the contests. Ideally, such contests are more like giveaways and come with specific skill elements that are involved.

But if you consider the sweepstakes, more people can win the prize giveaways in which the winner is chosen entirely with the luck factor.

2. Discount Coupons

There must be hardly any person who doesn’t love discounts. When you create a fashion blog, customers would want to know if it is in their budget and there is any box of surprises stored for them.

It is obvious that they will resist a coupon, especially when it is the best product. This is the time when you can make personal use of the business social media platform. You will be able to create a contest for the people to enter and win the coupon.

There can be around 15% or 25% or more of the solution. This option can be the best incentive for customers to buy and use the products. It is the best way to give them an idea about your other fashion products through your blogging.

3. Come up with an exciting hashtag contest

We live in a digital era, and there should not be any question as to whether you have to create some social media engagement or not. As a part of your giveaway idea, the concept of hashtag content can be a great choice. You can offer coupons using social media platforms.

This means you need to sponsor the hashtag contest. You can come up with some creative ideas such as #giveawayname, which shall be about your fashion blog the brand that you have, and request your followers and customers to share their experience as well.

This contest can give you a better track history of social media engagement. This way, your brand awareness will also be enhanced. It is a fun way by which you can create a community amongst the followers.

4. Come up with entry forms for stating promotion objectives

Being precise about your fashion blog branding and promotion is always better. Whether you want to increase your email subscribers for the newsletter or improve the number of Instagram followers or Facebook numbers, this is extremely important. You need to bring it in the entry form for the promotion.

It would help if you also remember that you make it simple and streamlined correctly. People will always have an eye for the forms that are easy to fill up.

5. Come up with an existing photo Contest

There is no doubt that text entries shall work, but you can be a little more creative. This means you can choose the photograph option too. These can be more like visual stores. A photo contest will give you a different angle of the customers’ view. This shall include the face that will support your fashion blog and brand.

You can even create a contest on Instagram or Facebook. Talk to customers about posting photos with the product and answer the questions they want. Suppose you can ask them to explain why they enjoy the product or the best way to use it.

In this, you can develop a plot-twisting that shall combine the photo contest with some hashtag contest. You can allow your contestants to use the original hashtag name you had come up with for additional entry.

A photo contest can always be the best way to engage your customers and give them a better chance to be more creative while connecting with other customers and your brand as well.

6. The concept of Themed ideas

Of so many giveaway ideas, you can also consider the theme idea, another trending one for the fashion blog. This idea will never fade out. Besides, it can often be more substantial than the singular prize, which can give your customers a feeling of being unique.

This concept can be more like making your customers a center of attraction for the product or the related accessories for the fashion brand.

7. Gift cards

Offering gift cards is one of the exciting giveaway ideas for fashion blogs. This type of option is still a popular one when it comes to promotional giveaways. It is loved by all besides; it is accessible and straightforward as well. There is a better scope for you to create unique giveaway options related to gift cards.

In this way, you can increase the chances of sales as well. It is usually people’s interest to enter and win a gift card. It can also be an excellent way to win more potential new customers. You can personalize the gift cards in the customer’s name as a personalized touch.

8. Give your customers a branded merchandise

This is another exciting giveaway idea for the customers to consider. Giving them branded merchandise will keep them engaged for a while. This can be anything: cups, mugs, shirts, and even pens and bags. They are the most practical yet simple products that you can gift and use daily.

If you blend them as your fashion blog’s promotional products, then the chances of your customers staying with you will be higher. The more you integrate your company’s personalized touch with the customer’s interest and the profile, the more it makes them feel special, and thus the customer’s retention will always be.

9. Scavenger hunts

You can always consider this exciting option too. If you plan to grab more traffic for the landing page or your fashion brand blogging, this can be the best way to engage your customers. The scavenger hunt comes with a particular set of rules that your audience needs to follow. It is all about discovering the clue to enter the content.

The clue must be hidden somewhere, and the audience needs to find out. This content should not be too complicated. It should not have more than two or a maximum of 3 steps.

Suppose you can go for a Facebook follower to check the latest post of Instagram in which you will share the code that can be more like a brain teaser for them. This way, you will engage the audience more with your brand and generate better traffic to your blog.

10. Focus on the user-generated content

You are creating a fashion blog, and for branding your theme, it is essential to focus on user-generated content. This can be the best source you can use on social media and even as a promotional giveaway.

You can consider it a giveaway option to be shared with other business prospects without any intervention, which is quite impressive.

All you need to focus on is creating content that will engage more customers‘ participation. The user-generated content can be like a photo contest, a perfect blend of effort and simplicity.

11. Grand Cash Prize Giveaway can be a good idea

The grand cash prize is another eye-catching thing you can consider. It is the best option to attract more customers’ attention. But you need to ensure that you create a lead prize so that even customers will be tempted to win the smaller prizes. This way, there are chances for many people to enter the contest.

This is best for customer retention and improving the reputation of the business. The grand cash prize winner will be more memorable than they won the final prize than the earlier one, making them even more excited to contribute to using your brand further.

Additional Tips For Fashion Blog Giveaway Ideas

1. Your customer’s attention is important

From all the above ideas, by now, you must have a clear vision to focus on the customers. Well, talking of which, another giveaway idea you should not overlook is the needs of the customers. Get straight to the point. Ask them what they prefer.

This can be an efficient strategy for your business as it shows that you are showing concern for the customers’ interest and the products they use. It is always better to get the right feedback which can be helpful for you.

As a part of efficient fashion blog branding, you can continually improve your current contests of a giveaway with such an option and look out for potential opportunities that can be used in the future.

2. Create some better templates

You cannot ignore some essential promotional giveaway elements of the landing page. They are said to be performing great, too. You don’t have to recreate another wheel, but learn from the risk of the other and be successful.

You can focus on developing giveaway templates that revolve around the customers’ hopes, goals, and dreams. This way, you will be promoting your product value to the customers.

3. Don’t Forget To Send Out An Alert

As the date for the promotion is approaching, you can always come up with an alert on your social media, email your friends, or even set a reminder for your email listing. It’s better to reach out to the fashion blogs that would want to cover the giveaway or the contest.

Ideally, you should get the best word about the contest and stay at the top for the promotional post, which you can create at the time of the contest.

Final verdict

Now that you have all kinds of exciting giveaway ideas for your fashion blog brand, start following them today. See that you follow them strictly to see the difference and understand how the right ideas can strike customer retention and improve your business and branding scope.

Creating a blog is important, but giving your fashion brand the right customer’s attention is essential, too. This promotional giveaway can be helpful in many ways. Just implement the concepts and see how they go.

A promotional giveaway is the best way to engage customers and, at the same time, generate leads. You can always nurture the leads into paying off the customers. However, as the content grows, information must be distributed correctly. That is why these giveaway ideas for fashion blogs are the best ways you can choose.

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

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