How to Write Maths Equations And Formulas in WordPress?


I assume you have a Maths blog or solve Math problems through your online teaching WordPress website. 

So, do you want to learn how to add Maths equation in WordPress? Let’s get started!

WordPress is the best CMS platform with millions of users, which creates considerable trust efficiency for writing, blogging, web development, E-Commerce, and marketing.

WordPress is not only the field mentioned above, but it is also the best for building online learning management system-based websites.

Instructors and teachers from various parts of the world have started using this fantastic writing platform to showcase their teaching skills worldwide. 

However, they struggle on the technical side while compiling their content with Maths Equations and Symbols. 

Hence, they should rely on the popular equation WordPress plugins to incorporate scientific documentation symbols, mathematical equations, and expressions.

The WordPress plugin developers start creating a solution to satisfy the need to insert a maths equation without any issues.

The various helpful plugins and documentation are around the internet, but some seem outdated, and some seem to have no proper update over the years. But I have some helpful resources for you!

I have updated this post with the latest active plugins and removed the outdated ones that are unuseful in inserting Mathematical expressions to WordPress.

Which Are The Best WordPress Maths Equation Plugins?

The WordPress plugins I have listed below use LaTeX syntax, the MarkUp language format for delivering mathematical Formulas and Equations.

It renders the complex formatting into human visual content.

1. WP Quick LaTeX

The WPX Quick LaTeX is a popular Math Equation and Expression inserting plugin for the WordPress platform with huge existing users worldwide. 

With this fantastic WordPress latex extension, you can add scientific expressions, chemical formulas, graphics, and related things faster than ever.

It doesn’t require any extra LaTeX installations and is highly user-friendly. This math WordPress Plugin has a pleasant UI and an easy kid-wise customization section as well.

Thus, it makes the work effective with less effort indeed. You can instantly change the color, size, and BG/FG. The rendered image is of high quality, and it is cached in the user’s own server.

This plugin also solves the question of How to convert a mathematical MS Word document to WordPress.

Install WP Quick LaTeX Plugin

2. WP Math Publisher

WP Math Publisher, developed by Ron Fredericks and, is one of the best plugins for adding math equations to WordPress. It solves complex formulas through shortcodes, making it a valuable tool for educators, researchers, and technical writers.

This Math WordPress plugin is known for its ease of use and functionality. Simply download and activate, and it’s ready to use. Once activated, users can utilize a variety of mathematical elements, including parentheses, math spaces, Greek letters, symbols, arrows, sets, roots, and limits.

Another useful feature of WP Math Publisher is its ability to integrate equations easily within comments. If this feature isn’t required, it can be disabled without affecting the equations on other pages or blogs.

3. MathML Block

MathML Block plugin is another top choice among the best math equation plugins. It supports MathML, a specialized markup language designed to display mathematical notations precisely.

This means users can seamlessly integrate mathematical formulas into their blog posts and web pages. The best part is it’s completely free to use and can be easily downloaded from the WordPress plugins library.

The low price makes the plugin a cost-effective solution for anyone who wants to enhance the quality of math-focused content without paying a hefty sum. 

However, remember that this plugin requires the WordPress block editor, PHP 5.4+, and WordPress 5.0+. If your setup doesn’t meet these requirements, an update is necessary to use the plugin. 

4. MathJax – LaTeX

The MathJax – LaTeX WordPress Plugin is the one that is capable of rendering the equation/expression images to the High-Quality preference and also able to display the Formulas better on the mobile screen.

It is a mobile-friendly WordPress plugin that cares about mobile users as well. It converts the raw expressions and equations to the highest possible PNG format, which helps display them even better while zooming

This MathJax Plugin loads the script only on the enabled pages/posts, which can be initiated by providing the [mathjax]shortcode anywhere inside the desired post.

To experience the best service, it is recommended to turn off or disable JetPack’s Beautiful Math as per the user’s review.

Download MathJax – Latex Plugin

5. Youngwhan’s Simple LaTeX

Youngwhan’s Simple LaTeX WordPress plugin helps instructors and WordPress users to easily play with mathematical equations and formulas without any complexity.

It also allows users to post math equations and related expressions in the comment section. The proper alignment and easy access to the WP LaTeX settings are also available to users.

The simple algorithm is used by this plugin where the users have to insert the [math]{XXXXX}[\math] tag and replace the XXXX with the valid expression/equation code for instant output. 

This WordPress Math equation plugin allows the users to create a custom-based Mathtex.cgi for extra customization of the math formulas and can create Higher-quality images than the previous version named mimeTex.

The proper update of the plugin can be seen, and it also works well with the latest WordPress version. No doubt, this add-on gives the solution for how to display Maths formulas in WordPress.

Set Up Youngwhan’s Simple LaTeX Plugin

6. Wiris Plugin for WordPress

The Wiris Plugin for WordPress is one of the best Math Equation handling Plugins for the WordPress platform. It can only be downloaded from a third-party website other than the official WordPress Plugin area.

The formulas can be easily edited and inserted into the WordPress posts using the Visual Editor provided by the Wiris Plugin.

The Visual Editor can easily insert the formulas and math expressions after manually editing inside the editor box. Even a kid can access this plugin due to its simplicity and robust navigation.

This add-on for writing equations in WordPress works with the WIRIS Plugin for Tiny MCE, which can be downloaded from their official website. 

The proper Documentation support page and guide bring additional value to this Math equation WordPress Plugin. It solves the query of how to display math symbols in WordPress.

As this helpful Math extension for WordPress solves the query How to display maths symbols in WP, it has acquired a place on my list. 

Acquire Wiris Plugin For WordPress

Which Plugin Should You Use To Add Maths Equation In WordPress?

The complete online course website could be established using WordPress Themes & Plugins, which do all the jobs, from creating a course template to the digital content shopping area.

Even though these things can be done without significant effort, the hardest thing for a non-coder teacher is that they struggle to embed the Maths formulas, expressions, and equations into their WordPress posts.

And yes, finally, you have reached the end of this article stating the 6 Best WordPress plugins for inserting Maths Equations and Expressions.

After a thorough analysis, I have compiled this list, and you can use any of the above Math WordPress plugins without any hassle. 

Through this blog post, I hope I have solved the famous question: How do I write math equations in WordPress? You may pick the best one that suits your needs and comment if you have any queries.

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

18 thoughts on “How to Write Maths Equations And Formulas in WordPress?”

  1. Hey Nirmala,

    This is something amazing! I didn’t realize the problem of people who might want to share their knowledge, but are not that much savvy.

    Plugins are the lifesavers in WordPress. And you made a great list of them for people who are facing challenges in inserting Mathematical equations and expressions while providing solutions online.

    Thank you for your efforts. Take care and have a great day 🙂

    • Hi Manidipa,

      I came across many maths experts want to stat a blog to teach Maths online. Also, someone would like to launch & sell their Maths course online. But they struggle with writing the Maths equations and symbols to WordPress and hence I have consolidated some useful plugins that are often get updated.

      Thanks for getting time to check the details, keep coming to share your wonderful thoughts.

    • Hi,
      Thanks for your post.
      I am having a blog related to electrical and electronics engineering.
      I need to include many electrical formulae, equations, and problems in my blog.
      My question: Is there any plugin to include any electrical formulae?

  2. Hey Nirmala, a great compilation of plugins for Math.

    With this plugins, surely it will help a lot for those wanting to create an LMS type of websites. It should make their lives much easier.

    Thanks for sharing useful tips here, always. Have a nice day!


  3. This is amazing post. I am really facing problems while inserting mathematical equations in my website. After seeing this article i will surly apply this techniques in my website. Hope it will solve my problem.

  4. Hello,
    I find this post very helpful. I am using one latex plugin after using plugin I find that site speed is slow.
    how to resolve this problem
    I am using MathJax.
    Any suggestion to speed loading time of site

  5. This is amazing. I was having a hard time getting a solution to have math equations in my blog posts and this plugins gonna save my time for sure. Thanks for this wonderful article.

  6. i am a blogger that sell past question for student online, i am finding difficult to write out math equation on my blog, until i found yours, thinks i will install the plugin


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