Do you want to display “Related Posts” in the GeneratePress theme? You are in the right place to learn how to implement this fantastic feature on your WordPress site.
First, I would like to appreciate you for using this lightweight theme. I have installed and customized the same theme for this blog.
The Related posts feature enhances the user experience and explains your site structure to the search engines. You can add this feature to the GeneratePress theme in two different ways!
To execute the latest method, you must purchase the GenerateBlocks plugin’s premium version. Hence, I’m skipping explaining this method.
If you use the free GeneratePress theme, you must include some codes in your WordPress functions.php file or use any “Related Posts” plugin to get the job done.
So, I suggest you read my detailed comparison of GeneratePress Free vs Premium to understand the flexibility of the paid theme version.
Please get the premium copy to use the Elements module to display the Related posts in the GeneratePress theme.
I assume you installed the paid theme version and started explaining the step-by-step process. Now, let’s get into the details!
Steps To Add Related Posts In GeneratePress Theme
Step 1: Login to your WordPress Dashboard, visit Plugin section and install “WP Show Posts”. This plugin was produced by the GeneratePress theme developer and his team. It will not affect your site speed.
Step 2: After installing this plugin, go to “WP Show Posts” > “Add New.” Check the below image for reference.

Step 3: Now, you must do the “Posts” settings. Keep the following image for your reference!
Choose “Post” in post type, “Category” in Taxonomy, and type “3” in posts per page.

Step 4: Next, come to the “Column” settings. Look at the following image to set up everything.
Select “3” in Columns (You may pick your preferred number) and type “2em” in Columns gutter.

Step 5: You have to do the “Images” settings now! Look at my below screenshot below!
I have chosen – “250″ for Image width, “150” for Image height, “Center” for image alignment, and “Above title” for Image location.

Step 6: Move down to the “Content” settings. Check my marked values in the following image and enter the same.

Step 7: Do the “Meta” settings. It is better to uncheck all boxes!

Step 8: Come to “More” settings and follow my guidelines.

Step 9: After completing, click the “Publish” button. Now, look at your right and copy the shortcode (it is below the Publish section)

Step 10: Go to Appearance > Elements > Add New Element
Step 11: Copy the following code and paste it into the Published Element page (I named the page “GeneratePress Related Posts”; you may name the page as you wish)
<div class="generate-related-posts">
<h3>You May Also Like This...</h3>
[wp_show_posts id="2324"]

Step 12: It’s time to set up the “Hook” settings. Check the above screenshot and follow the same steps I have taken!
Step 13: Pass on to the “Display Rules” settings. Keep the following image as a reference and select the choices.

Step 14: You have completed all the plugin settings by following my instructions. Now click the “Publish” button.
Step 15: As a last step, visit Dashboard > Appearance > Customize > Additional CSS and add the following CSS code.
/*Generatepress Related Post CSS */
.generate-related-posts .wp-show-posts-inner {
background: #f1f1f1;
.generate-related-posts .wp-show-posts-entry-title {
padding: 20px;
/* End Generatepress Related Post CSS */

Here is the output of Generatepress theme related posts.

That’s it! You have completed displaying the Related posts in the GeneratePress theme.
You might think it is a bit of a complicated process compared to other WordPress themes like Astra and Kadence.
However, you should understand that the plugin founder primarily focussed on page speed and offered this sophisticated way to include this feature.
Frequently Asked Questions
Is it possible to create the related posts using the free version of GenerateBlocks?
You will need to include some code to retrieve the related posts. So, it’s better to get the Pro version of GenerateBlocks
Is there any other reliable WordPress plugin available for related posts?
Yes! You may check the Contextual Related Posts plugin to boost your site engagement.
How to remove related posts in GeneratePress?
If you have created a Hook using Element Module, trash it.
Is there any way to add related posts in the GP free theme?
You may hire a good developer to get the custom code to create this feature in the free GeneratePress theme.
How do you display the related posts by category in the GeneratePress theme?
You have to use the “Display Rules” settings of the Hook to show the related posts of a particular category by excluding others.
Wrapping Up
The Related posts feature enhances your site authority by helping your readers engage with the relevant articles, which will send a good signal to the search engines by lowering the bounce rate.
I should admit that adding the related posts in GeneratePress theme is somewhat a complicated procedure but it never affects your site speed. I recommend you execute the same process I have explained in this blog post using the premium theme version.
This method might look complicated and you may hesitate to do it alone. If you need help displaying this section anywhere on your WordPress site, leave your comment, and I’ll help you get it done.
We used this one in our Sites, hard to use at the Start but later is Go perfekt