HTTP Or HTTPs – Why Should You Get SSL Certificate For WordPress?


Through this post, I want to write the importance of getting an SSL certificate for WordPress, as I used to write a lot of WordPress security tips.  

Suddenly, every other website or blog on the web is now redirecting their users to an SSL or HTTPS version of their domain.

Such implementation of HTTPs on the website is considered as a strategic internet marketing move to gain an advantage over other competitors in search engine rankings.

Do you agree with my viewpoint? 

Well, the debate is still pretty much on whether adding an SSL certificate to set the HTTPs version of your website/blog boosts your SERPs or not.

While the argument is reaching its peak, there is also a lot of confusion about the meaning of SSL, whether it is a ranking signal or not, and how to get an SSL certificate for your domain.

All your doubts will be cleared once you go through this article as I plan to answer all these queries one by one.

What Is SSL And SSL Certificate?

SSL stands for Secure Sockets Layer. It is actually a standard security technology used to establish a secure and encrypted link between the web browser and a web server.

This is used by websites that deal with online transactions, such as e-commerce WordPress portals or other online service-based websites.

The main objective of SSL is to ensure that all the data passed between the web server (i.e., hosting server) and the web browsers (user) remains private and secure.

You need an SSL certificate to establish an encrypted connection between the browser and the server.

This certificate is a small data file that is used to digitally bind cryptographic keys to the website owner’s or organization’s details.

To activate the SSL on your web hosting server, you must complete a questionnaire with details about your website and company. Once done, you will receive two cryptographic keys: a Public Key and a Private Key.

The whole process of how these keys transmit data between the server and browser securely can be explained using the following example. For example, X sends a message to Y, then X locks the data using Y’s public key.

The message or the data within the message can only be accessed by Y’s private that only Y has. Even if someone intercepts this data transfer, he won’t be able to access the data without the private key.

Hence, your data remains safe. Regarding the website and hosting scenario, X implies the browser, and Y becomes the hosting server.

Is Adding SSL To The Domain Search Engine Friendly?

Privacy is a big concern for everyone on the internet.

Today we have social media, online transactions, personal data, and much more on the web. Although it is secured, the data is always vulnerable if you share the details on an unsecured or fishy website.

Recently, Google understood this concern and announced HTTPs as a ranking signal in 2014.

This new addition to the already abundant list of ranking factors, almost every webmaster across the web has gone ahead and got an SSL certificate for their domain.

Also, because of such a wide demand for SSL certificates, many different but reliable sources offer SSL certificates free for a domain.

Even though Google has termed SSL a ranking signal, it only offers a minor ranking boost.

SSL is a very lightweight signal compared to other ranking signals like high-quality content. Also, the HTTPs will only qualify if you use an SSL 2048-bit key certificate on the website.

Based on the current impact of the HTTP ranking signal, Google found that it only affects less than 1% of the search engine queries run globally.

However, Google also confirmed that they are looking forward to strengthening HTTPs as a ranking signal to encourage more website owners to switch from HTTP to HTTPs in the coming time.

Things To Consider While Switching To HTTPs

There’s a lot of talks about the right way of switching to HTTPs. If you are doing it for SEO purposes, you must consider a few things while making the change.

When you have made the switch, you must redirect all your pages from HTTP to HTTPs, and that would affect the rankings. After this, you should also inform Google about the change using the Search Console.

Here are few other things to consider when you switch from HTTP to HTTPs:

  • Always use 2048-bit key certificates for SSL.
  • Make sure that you use relative URLs to fetch resources hosted on your domain.
  • Also, make sure to use relative protocol URLs if fetching resources from other domains.
  • Check if robots.txt is not blocking bots from crawling the HTTPs version.

Make the right choice while choosing the certificate from single, multi-domain, or wildcard certificate options.

Where To Find SSL Certificate For WordPress Site?

Besides the SEO advantage, adding an SSL certificate could also build trust for your domain with the users.

If you are selling ebooks, merchandise, or some digital product via your WordPress blog, then adding an SSL would mean the website is secure.

It also works if you use a third-party payment gateway or PayPal to receive payments.

Adding an SSL certificate could be tricky as you will find various options.

You must choose the right SSL certificate supporting 2048-bit key for the SEO advantage as well as for gaining the trust of the users visiting your website.

To make the task a bit easier for you, I will share the list of some of the best free SSL Certificate providers on the web today.

Best Free SSL Certificate Providers

The web is full of free and paid SSL certificate providers.

While the free ones are effective, I will always recommend going for the paid ones if you can afford it. The paid providers will offer the right support and the necessary tutorial to add the certificate.

Being a paid customer, they will also ensure future updates if there are any major changes in terms of SEO or security. You can always try GlobalSign, Rapid SSL, or ClickSSL if you opt for the paid versions.

These are trusted brands and worth investing in only if you make much of your blog or website. However, normal content-based blogs could always opt for the free SSL certificate providers that will follow this list.

Here are the best free SSL certificate providers to choose from:

1. Let’s Encrypt

Let’s Encrypt is the most widely used and reliable free SSL certificate provider on the web today.

The main reason for its popularity is that it is a collaborative effort with the Linux Foundation, and the project is backed by popular brands such as Mozilla, Cisco, Akamai, SiteGround, Facebook, etc.

The entire project is fully automated. All you need is to register for a free SSL and follow the instructions to add HTTPs to your website.

The process of creating a CSR and authority sign happens in the background on your hosting server.

2. Cloudflare

Cloudflare is a well-known brand in the CDN industry. However, Cloudflare recently announced that universal SSL is free for all its users. Hence, if you are a paid or free user at CloudFlare, you can activate SSL on your domain with a few clicks.

Simply log in to your Cloudflare account and choose the website for which you are enabling SSL. Configure the settings as flexible by clicking the “Crypto” icon and ensure the status says, “Activate Certificate.”

It would only take a few seconds, and you can check by accessing the HTTPs version of the domain.


Installing an SSL certificate for WordPress would help protect your site visitors from Eavesdropping and improve the search engine rankings!

Through HTTPS, you can ensure that every data sent to the internet is secure and only interpreted by the purposeful recipient. 

Yes! Better WordPress security, high Google search rankings, and great customer trust are the primary benefits of using the SSL (https://)

I always write the WordPress security strategies, and even in my last post; I have insisted you enable the Two-factor authentication for WordPress.

I hope you have learned the importance and benefits of using the SSL certificate for WordPress and strengthening the security of your site.

If you have any thoughts about this security certificate, use the comment section; let’s discuss it over there!

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

2 thoughts on “HTTP Or HTTPs – Why Should You Get SSL Certificate For WordPress?”

  1. Hello Nirmla,

    Well cloudflare is my favorite cdn network and i’m using it since a long time.

    Thank you for posting when you’ve got the opportunity, Guess I will just book mark this site.

  2. Hi Nirmala,

    Whrn it comes to a free SSL certificate, Cloudflare and Letsencrypt are well known in the SSL industry for very obvious reasons..

    I been using Clouflare on my website for quite a while now, Though I know about Letsencrypt advantages, and few folks use to say better to move to Letsencrypt, but honestly couldn’t find any reason to move into.. As cloudflare too has its own Advantages and works like a charm…

    Great to have a further deeper insights.



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