Cloudways Promo Code To Get Highest Discount ($30 Coupon Inside)

I have listed all the latest Cloudways promo code details that offer the highest discount to claim during the server signup. 

So, grab the 100% verified Cloudways Promo code you are searching for. Get this exciting offer now! 

Use Cloudways Promo Code – WPGLOSSY 

This Cloudways coupon code – WPGLOSSY, has the highest promo code value and has been officially created for you. 

I’m using their managed cloud servers like DigitalOcean (DO), Vultr, and Amazon Web services (AWS), so Cloudways has activated an exclusive coupon code for my blog visitors. 

Don’t search for offers like Cloudways $100 credit, 80% OFF, and $50 free credits. These are not real offers, only fake promotions! 

I have been blogging for over a decade and always share reliable coupons and live offers related to the products and services I use for my blogs.

Note – This Cloudways code will automatically apply when you click the above button. You don’t need to enter any Cloudways code to claim the cashback. 

Does The Cloudways Autonomous Plan Have a Promo Code Offer?

Cloudways has recently launched high-availability WordPress hosting to handle medium- and large-sized business site traffic spikes. This plan is called Cloudways Autonomous, and the promo code offer also applies to its pricing. 

The basic Autonomous plan costs $35, and after applying my highest coupon code, you will get a $30 price deduction. Hence, you must pay only $5 on your first billing. Try this auto-scalable managed WordPress hosting now!

What is the current Cloudways promo code discount for cloud servers?

Cloudways provides services for cloud servers like DigitalOcean (DO), Vultr, Linode, AWS, and Google Cloud. The coupon code is available for all these hosting companies. Get on the list!

1. DigitalOcean Coupon Offers

Cloudways has two different DigitialOcean pricing plans – Standard & Premium.

Let’s check the sale offers for both! 

DigitalOcean Standard Plan Discount

DigitalOcean Standard PlansStorageWithout Discount/MoWith $30 Discount 
DO1GB25GB$112 Months Free, $3 (3rd Month)
DO2GB50GB$241 Month Free,  $16 (2nd Month)
DO4GB80GB$46$16 (1st Month)
DO8GB160GB$88$58 (1st Month)

DigitalOcean Premium Plan Deals

DigitalOcean Premium PlansStorageWithout Offer/MoWith $30 Offer 
DO1GB25GB$142 Months Free, $12 (3rd Month)
DO2GB50GB$281 Month Free,  $26 (2nd Month)
DO4GB80GB$54$24 (First Month)
DO8GB160GB$99$69 (First Month)

Note – I have calculated the first four DO plans’ discounts; you may do the same for your preferred pricing plan.

Let’s see some common FAQs related to the Cloudways DigitalOcean deals!

Are Cloudways discounts applicable for existing customers upgrading their DigitalOcean server plan?

No, the Cloudways DigitalOcean Promo Code is available only for new users.

Are promo codes available for DigitalOcean’s higher storage plans through Cloudways?

The Cloudways $30 coupon code is valid for all DigitalOcean storage plans.

Does Cloudways provide coupons for businesses requiring servers in Germany on DigitalOcean?

Yes, the Cloudways discount for DigitalOcean is effective for all global regions, including Germany.

Can Cloudways coupon code be used for add-ons on DigitalOcean servers?

No! You must use the exclusive code only for hosting billing, not for the paid services.

Are there any promo codes for upgrading to a 4GB DigitalOcean server for eCommerce hosting on Cloudways?

No! The coupon offer is usable by new customers and not for existing clients who are looking for server upgrades.

2. Vultr Server Deals

Cloudways contains two different Vultr pricing plans: Standard and High-frequency. Let’s take a look at the sale offers. 

Vultr Standard Plan Coupon Discount 

VULTR Standard StorageWithout Discount/MoWith $30 Discount 
Vultr1GB25GB$142 Months Free, $12 (3rd Month)
Vultr2GB55GB$281 Month Free,  $26 (2nd Month)
Vultr4GB80GB$54$24 (1st Month)
Vultr8GB160GB$99$69 (1st Month)

Vultr High-Frequency Discounts

VULTR Standard StorageWithout OfferWith $30 Offer 
Vultr1GB32GB$161 Month Free, $2 (Second Month)
Vultr2GB64GB$301 Month Free
Vultr4GB128GB$60$30 (First Month)
Vultr8GB256GB$118$88 (First Month)

After glancing at the price deduction details, don’t miss to check its related Q&As! 

Are there any ongoing promotions for new users on Cloudways Vultr plans?

The official promotional offer of 30% OFF is available, which is profitable for the higher plans. If you go with the basic plan, our cashback code for $30 has the highest price-cut value.

Is there any specific promo code for Vultr Cloudways servers in Singapore?

Use the active Cloudways Coupon code – WPGLOSSY to obtain your cut rate. It will work on your current server location.  

Is 1GB RAM of the Vultr server sufficient for hosting a portfolio website, and can I use a Cloudways discount for this storage size?

If your portfolio website contains images and videos, I suggest you buy the 2GB Vultr plan to serve your audience better. Yes, you may use the concession for any plan.

Is there any sale code for startups using 4GB Vultr servers on Cloudways hosting?

The exclusively created code – WPGLOSSY- has the higher value of claiming your Cloudways free credits; use it!

Can I downgrade from 4GB to 2GB Vultr servers and still retain my promo code benefits?

When you use my Cloudways Promo code 2025, $30 free credits will be added to your account, and you will have paid only $24 for a 4 GB Vultr server. You can downgrade the plan only in the next month’s billing cycle so that you will pay $28 for a 2GB plan. So, you cannot retain the promo code benefits. 

3. Cloudways Linode Server Deals

Look at the discount values of the basic Linode server plans. You may calculate the same for your ideal pricing scheme. 

LinodeStorageWithout Offer/MoWith $30 Offer 
Lin1GB25GB$142 Months Free, $12 (3rd Month)
Lin2GB50GB$281st Month Free, $26 (2nd Month)
Lin4GB80GB$59$29 (First Month)
Lin8GB160GB$105$75 (First Month)

The following are some commonly asked questions about Cloudways Linode server deal offers! 

Are there promo codes available for Cloudways Linode server pricing in India?

Yes, my Cloudways Promo code, WPGLOSSY, is active for all the Linode server plans in India.

Is the $30 Cloudways Linode Coupon applicable to the ECommerce site owners? 

Of course! When you take the basic Linode eCommerce plan, use the server free for two months. For higher plans, $30 will be deducted from your first month’s billing by using the free credits. 

Can I get this Cloudways Coupon Code to use for my existing Linode account? 

No! You must create a new account and cannot use this coupon for your existing Linode account. 

Will I get the built-in CDN and automated backups for free in the 8GB Cloudways Linode Plan with the cashback offer? 

Yes! You will get a free CDN and automated backup from the Linode Cloudways account, which is unavailable in the direct Linode account.

4. Cloudways Cashback For AWS 

I have listed the Cloudways cashback for the managed AWS cloud server starter plans. 

AWSStorageWithout Discount/MoWith $30 Discount 
AWS Micro20GB$20.561 Month Free, $11.12 (Second Month)
AWS Small20GB$38.56$8.56 (First Month)
AWS Medium20GB$91.84$61.84 (First Month)
AWS CO Large20GB$164.50$134.50 (First Month)

Here are a few queries related to Cloudways AWS Server offers!

Can I launch my video blogging website using the Cloudways AWS cloud server coupon?

Yes! You may use my custom coupon created by Cloudways, which has the highest discount value compared to others. 

Which Cloudways promo code should I use to get the best deal on an AWS hosting plan?

Enter the code WPGLOSSY to gain the best deal on Cloudways AWS hosting.

I’m going to launch an online gaming website. Which managed AWS plan With maximum coupon value should I get?

You may go with a 64GB (AWS 4XL) or 72GB (AWS CO 9XL) plan to meet your demanding requirements for your gaming project. You will grab $30 free credits to spend on your first month’s billing. 

My target audience is located in North and South America. Does Cloudways have AWS data centers over there? Also, can I avail of the cashback offer for my preferred server location?

Yes, Cloudways has data centers in North and South America. Wherever the server location is, you may utilize the coupon offer to collect your discount. 

5. Cloudways Google Cloud Server Discount

I estimated the Cloudways discount values of the Google Cloud server plans for easy understanding. 

Google CloudStorageWithout Offer/MoWith a $30 Offer (1st Month) 
GCE Small20GB$37.45$7.45
GCE Medium20GB$84.12$54.12 
GCE Large20GB$152.14$122.14 
GCE XL20GB$241.62$211.62 

Have a glance at the doubts about the Cloudways Google Cloud coupon deals! 

Can I deploy my PHP Apps on Cloudways Google Cloud server? Will I get a deal to save on my billing costs?

Yes! Whatever your PHP app like WordPress, Laravel, Or Magento, just 1-click is needed to deploy them. Also, get an impressive deal to reduce your billing cost during the signup. 

Will the existing Google Cloud user get the Cloudways deal? 

Even though you are an existing Google Cloud customer, you have to create a new account in Cloudways to get the managed server service. So, you will take advantage of the discount offers launched by the company. 

Are 15GB and 4 Core Processors of Cloudways Google Cloud server enough to host my site like Flipkart? Is there any registration offer?

Yes! You have made the right choice! Use the registration promo code – WPGLOSSY and claim the cashback offer. 

My targeted visitors are located in Japan, China, and Singapore. Does Cloudways Google Cloud have a data center in these Asian regions? Which Cloudways deal saves me my hosting bill?

Cloudways has Google Cloud data centers in China, Japan, Singapore, India, and South Korea. So, go with your preferred pricing plan. And yes, don’t miss the Cloudways $30 discount deal during the sign-up process; it will save a considerable amount in your first month bill. 

Does Cloudways Offer a Free Trial?

Yes! Cloudways offers a free trial account for new users. Are you a dedicated blogger, small business owner, freelancer, or developer who wants to evaluate the server performance before purchasing? Use the trial offer for 3 days without adding your credit card details.

After three days, upgrade to any suitable plan; otherwise, your server will be deleted after the trial expires. You should also understand that premium features like advanced security, email services, and paid add-ons will not be available during the trial period. 

However, you can explore features like in-built CDN, Caching, 1-click backup & restore, server monitoring, staging environment, server location, and PHP applications. Traveling over the managed cloud hosting without upfront payment is a great opportunity. 

Note – In the Cloudways 3-day free trial, AWS and Google Cloud servers are unavailable!

Does Cloudways Have special sales for Non-profit organizations?

Cloudways offers a sale program that allows non-profit organizations to access high-quality cloud hosting at a reduced price. The flexible plans, combined with the generous discount, make it an admirable option for them to improve their digital presence without overspending.

Let’s see the offer details! For Non-profits, Cloudways provides 20% OFF for 1 month!

So, if you are a social enterprise or non-commercial organization, you can save only $24 while buying the basic plan of DigitalOcean server. 

However, when you use our exclusive promo code (WPGLOSSY), save $30 in your billing amount as it has a higher price cut than the regular offer. You have to check the deals for higher-pricing plans. 

Which Cloudways Discount Code is available for UPQODE users?

Cloudways has a special deal for UPQODE users. If you want a reliable web design and development agency specializing in making custom websites for your business, you should approach UPQODE.

They deliver visually appealing websites by partnering with Cloudways and presenting a distinct coupon code, “UPCODE,” to obtain a 10% discount for 3 months.

However, if you join this digital platform, use our high-value Cloudways $30 promo code (WPGLOSSY).

Is there any Cloudways Coupon Code That Has An exclusive deal for AffiliateFix users?

Yes! Aspiring affiliate marketers should take part in AffiliateFix. It is an online community for digital marketers to discuss strategies, share experiences, and access priceless resources related to affiliate marketing.

Cloudways hosting has an exclusive deal for AffiliateFix users by offering the Promo code – AFF20CW, which offers 20% OFF for two Months. You should have a look at the special pricing offer made for them.


Does Cloudways provide exclusive coupons for website builders? 

Cloudways is rolling out remarkable deals tailored to website builders using WordPress, Laravel, Magento, and WooCommerce platforms. These are the best Cloudways sales to experience premium managed hosting at a reduced cost. 

If you want a cashback offer from this managed cloud hosting, check the Cloudways promo code for WordPress, Cloudways coupons for Laravel, Cloudways discount for Magento, Cloudways sales for PHP apps, and Cloudways deals for Woocommerce sites. 

Cloudways WordPress, Laravel, Magento, and Woocommerce Discounts

Let me consolidate the Cloudways concessions for these website builders!

Basic Pricing PlansOriginal PriceAfter Applying Promo Code
DO standard Plan$112 Months Free, $3 (Third Month)
Vultr Standard Plan$142 Months Free, $12 (Third Month)
Basic Linode Plan$142 Months Free, $12 (Third Month)
Micro AWS Plan$20.561 month Free,  $11.12 (Second Month)
Small GCE Plan$37.45$7.45 (First Month)

Note – I have evaluated the deduction for the basic plan of every cloud server. You may use my latest working coupon code (WPGLOSSY) to get the offer for your preferred pricing plan. 

Here are some of the most commonly asked questions about Cloudways related to WordPress, Laravel, Magento, PHP, and WooCommerce hosting!

How much does it cost to host my new blog on Cloudways WordPress hosting with a coupon code offer?

The starter WordPress plan costs $11; Use this plan free for 2 months. Pay only $3 on the 3rd month, and continue to pay $11 from your 4th month’s billing. 

This 1-click Cloudways WordPress hosting offers several plans for each cloud server, and the $30 discount applies to every pricing plan. 

Will I get unlimited application installation through the WordPress Cloudways Promo code?

Yes! You can install unlimited applications on Cloudways WordPress hosting using my officially activated promo code. 

How often does Cloudways release new coupon codes for Magento users?

Cloudways contains a permanent 30% price-cut offer for 3 months. Its associated coupon code is CW30FOR3. They also have a $30 free credit deal. Besides, they release new promos during the Black Friday season. 

Is there any active official Cloudways Magento coupon code for 2025?

Yes, use CW30FOR3, an official coupon suitable for higher-pricing plans. When you purchase the basic plans, use my code – WPGLOSSY, to activate the maximum cashback offer in free credits. 

How much will I pay for the 16GB Laravel Vultr (standard) plan in Cloudways after applying the coupon offer?

16 GB Laravel Vultr Standard plan costs $150. You have to pay only $120 for your first month’s billing. 

How can I host my Laravel application on Cloudways hosting? Will I get a signup discount?

Cloudways offers 1-click installation; hence, deploying your Laravel project in this high-performance hosting is easy. You may also use an Optimized stack and inbuilt cache to make your project run smoothly. 

Yes! When you sign up, you will receive $30 free credits by applying my working Cloudways coupon code. 

Will my WooCommerce store load quicker on Cloudways, and which coupon should I use to grab the maximum sale offer?

Cloudways has suitable server services for Woocommerce hosting; hence, your online stores will load lightning-fast to serve your audience quickly. Don’t miss out on utilizing my working code, WPGLOSSY, to grab the highest cashback deal. 

Is the Cloudflare CDN available for Cloudways Wocommerce hosting promo codes?

Yes, the Cloudflare CDN is available for all Woocommerce plans. (Even in the starter plan)

Which is the best Cloudways sale to launch my high-traffic website with its PHP hosting plan?

Cloudways hosting offers two best sales – $30 OFF and 30% OFF. The $30 code (WPGLOSSY) is the best deal if you purchase the basic PHP hosting plan. For a greater pricing plan, use the Cloudways official promo code – CW30FOR3 to get 30% OFF for 3 months. 

Which cloud server is suitable to host my travel blog about Sydney? Is there any price-cut offer associated with the pricing plans?

Cloudways has the Sydney data center for all five Cloud servers. So, pick the preferred server of your choice. I recommend a Vultr high-frequency server if you have to post travel vlogs.

Yes, concession is always available with this best high-availability hosting. Use my Cloudways discount code to activate the deal. 

Will Agencies Get Exclusive Deals From Cloudways? 

Yes! Along with the Agency-focused features and collaboration tools, Cloudways also offers exclusive discounts and perks for digital agencies to grow their business. 

If you are a web-based agency, you often receive deals on hosting plans, reducing operational costs to maintain your clients’ websites. 

Check the Cloudways online agencies’ offers! The criteria are divided into Basic, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. The last two criteria have an eye-catching offer. 

Gold – 10% OFF for 6 months

Platinum – 10% OFF for 12 months

What types of free gifts does Cloudways offer? 

Are you excited to know what gifts Cloudways offers its customers? Continue reading!

  1. Astra Theme – The premium version of Astra WordPress theme, Astra Pro bundle, comes free with every Cloudways hosting plan. Use this paid theme version free for 1 year on as many sites as you need. Its price is $59; grab it at no cost!  
  1. Object Cache Pro – When buying a 2GB or high storage server, leverage the cutting-edge Redis cache technology through the Object Cache Pro plugin. So, you are going to speed up your applications for free. The plugin costs $95/Mo. 

How to Apply Cloudways Promo Code?

 You must follow simple steps to apply the Cloudways promo code and activate the deal. 

1. Visit Cloudways With the Promo Code

This official website redirects you to the signup page. While using our link, the high-value promo code to claim a $30 Cloudways discount will automatically apply to the form (See the image below). 

Fill your details, including name, email, profession, and average income.

Note – See the green tick mark after our verified Cloudways coupon code. 


2. Start Free Trial

Push the button “START FREE.” It will take you to the server page.

Read the top message; click “VERIFY YOUR ACCOUNT.”


3. Activate Your Cloudways Account

Find out the activation email in your inbox. Verify your account by clicking the button “Login & Activate.”


4. Complete Phone Verification

After the email verification, you must complete the verification from your Phone. The following image is for your view.


Now, you will receive the activation code in your SMS. Enter it and finish the verification process.


5. Configure Your Cloud Server

You have successfully utilized my $30 Cloudways promo code. Now, proceed to the server launch and setup. Here, you must choose your website’s backend content management system and name your application, server, and project. 

Refer to the image below! 


6. Select Your Server Size & Location

After filling out the application and server details, you must pick a suitable cloud server from the five choices – DigitalOcean, Vultr, Linode, AWS, and Google Cloud based on your site requirements. 

Once you finish the cloud server selection, pick the size based on your site traffic. By default, Cloudways will suggest you go with the 2GB premium plan of DigitalOcean; however, you may pick the server size that fits your needs. 

Now, you must choose the server location according to your target audience. The default data center location is New York, but pick the right location from the list. At the bottom of the page, see the price of the plan you have chosen.

7. Launch The Server

So, all done. Click “Launch Server” (Look at the green button in the previous image). Now, Cloudways will deploy your server in a few minutes. 

8. Get Your Free Credits

While you do the server setup, you must add a payment method to send $1 for your card confirmation. This $1 is refundable, and you will get it back immediately. 

As you have used my Cloudways Promo Code, WPGLOSSY, $30 free credits apply to your account automatically. You can check this under the “Funds Summary” section. 

Note – If you didn’t receive the free credits, contact the support team; they will help you get the Cloudways sale offer. Also, if you register with a free domain or suspicious email, you will get a message saying that the team will get back to you in 1 – 2 days.

What is the status of the latest Cloudways promo codes 2025?

I have consolidated the current status of the latest promo codes for Cloudways 2025. Please check and use the suitable coupon to get the discount. 

Cloudways DiscountPromo CodeStatus
$30 Discount on all plansWPGLOSSYLive
3-Day Free TrialFREE TRIALLive
Black Friday Deals (40% OFF for 4 Months)BFCMWP40Expired
20% OFF on 1st InvoiceCLOUDWAYS20Live
30% OFF for 3 MonthsCW30FOR3Live
Halloween SaleTREAT23Expired
For AffiliateFix UsersAFF20CWLive

Note – Don’t enter the Expired code; I’ll keep posting the latest Cloudways coupons for 2025. Stay Tuned!

What Cloudways FAQs should I review before signing up?

Go through the following inquiries before signing up for your desired cloud server! 

1. Which is the highest Promo Code for Cloudways?

Ans: WPGLOSSY is the latest code, exclusively offered by the Cloudways team. It has the highest value. 

2. Are there any restrictions on using this code?

Ans: This Promo code can be claimed only once. Moreover, existing customers cannot make use of this special offer. 

3. Does this code work globally? 

Ans: Yes, regardless of which country you reside in, the Cloudways discount will work.  

4. Shall I apply the code to any hosting plan?

Ans: Yes! It applies to all DigitalOcean, Linode, Vultr, AWS, and GoogleCloud plans. 

5. Can I get any other Cloudways deals?

Ans: Cloudways often provide new deals. I have mentioned all the 100% working coupons in this article.

6. Does Cloudways activate Black Friday Offers?

Ans: Yes! They have impressive offers yearly during the Black Friday and Cyber Monday seasons. They always activate the deals earlier in November, and it closes in December.

In conclusion, how does applying a Cloudways promo code enhance your hosting decision?

I have listed all the updated Cloudways promo code discount deals in this blog post. As a new user, start with the free trial for three days. After testing the server performance and developer features, get a suitable plan to tweak your web presence. 

When you sign up for a new account, don’t miss using my coupon code (WPGLOSSY) to grab the highest discount anyone offers. This official sale code saves your billing amount. I’m sure you will not be disappointed with the speed and uptime performance. 

With Cloudways’ competitive pricing and exciting coupons, there’s never been a better time to switch to a faster and more flexible hosting provider. Apply the promo code and enjoy all the benefits Cloudways has to offer. For self hosted cloud hosting, redeem the $200 DigitalOcean free credits offer.

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

33 thoughts on “Cloudways Promo Code To Get Highest Discount ($30 Coupon Inside)”

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful information. I have used it! Looking for the same from your upcoming articles. Share latest news for us!

    • Glad I could help you. After using the managed cloud hosting, share your experience with me. If you need any other help, please let me know.

    • Hello Yuvraj,

      Thanks for using our exclusive code. I have checked with the affiliate team. Glad you have grabbed this offer.

  2. I’m really happy to say that it was an interesting post to read. This information is essential for an online shopper like me to save money.

    • Yes, Cloudway’s high-frequency Vultr server is fantastic. Our blog is passing the Core web vitals with it. We should thank the team for providing high-performance managed servers. Stay Tuned.

  3. Hi Nirmala! It was a great write-up from start to end, very informative. I was looking for cloud hosting for my agency website and learned about the Cloudways coupons via your article, which, indeed, will help me save $30. Thanks a lot!

    • You have made a right choice for your business, Seth. It is the fastest hosting with exceptional features. Glad I’m getting chance to let you know about the highest discount for Cloudways hosting. Keep visiting our blog!

  4. Hello! I have been following your blog for a long time and I was looking for a coupon to buy hosting from Cloudways I found this post on Top SERP so I thought to buy using your promo code. Fortunately, It worked for me. Thanks!


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