How To Write An About Me page For Fashion Blog?


So, you would like to make a stunning about me page for fashion blog and hence you are here, Am I right? Without further ado, et’s get into the topic!

About Me‘ page is the most important page of any blog. Especially if you run a fashion blog, then you can’t afford to neglect your “about me” page.

Because connecting with the audience is an essential part of any fashion blogger or influencers. But to connect with your audience, you have to create a bridge between you and your audience.

And your about me page will become that bridge. To be honest, writing a simple and boring about me page is super easy. But that’s not what you are going to learn in this article.

As I have been blogging over a decade, I can let you learn, how to write a killer about me page for fashion blog that will turn a regular visitor into your super fan.

So are you ready to dive deep into this super value packed article? Then let’s go.

Why The “About Me” Page is The Most Important Page of Your Blog?

The about me page of your blog is super important for your blogging success.

For example, If you like to read any blog, you would probably visit their about me page to know more about them. Similarly, your blog visitors will also see your about me page to know more about you. And that’s where the game is.

If your “about me” page is well written and engaging, then they’ll become your lifetime fan. But in case, if your blog about me page is boring and doesn’t include something interesting, then they won’t even remember your or your brand name.

As I told you earlier, the about me page works like a bridge between you and your reader. So you have to make sure that your readers can travel through the bridge easily to create a connection with you.

You have to give your blog readers a reason to trust and follow you through your about me page and finally, they will be with you for sure to support your fashion site.

How to Write An Killer “About Me” Page For Fashion Blog That Turns a Normal Visitor Into Your Raving Fan?

Why don’t most people care much about their about me page? Because they find it very hard to write it.

But what if I told you that writing an about me page is like eating a piece a cake?

Yes, that’s true.

I don’t know why people make it so complicated, but I think writing an about me page is one of the easiest things to do.

All you have to do is, tell about yourself to your readers.

If you’re also having a hard time writing an engaging about me page for your fashion blog, then I’m going to share with you nine tips that will help you write a better about me page than your competitors.

So let’s dive in!

1. Headline Decides The Half of The Game

You might know that headlines are the most critical part of any content.

Similarly, the backbone of your about me page is your headline. It’s going to decide whether people will read your “about me” page or not.

So whenever you’re crafting the headline for your about me page, make sure that your headline is attention-grabbing.

The biggest mistake people make with their about me page is, they craft the headline super dull or generic.

Here’s an example of that:


You can see that this headline is very generic and doesn’t have any element that will grab anyone’s attention.

But if you look at Nike’s about me page, then you’ll see that they’ve crafted a fantastic headline that’s grabbing everyone’s attention and also telling their audience how their brand can change their customer’s life.


To make this task easier for you, here are a few of my practical tips that you can follow while writing the headline for your about me page:

1. Ask a question – Having a thoughtful question as your headline is a fantastic idea because it will open a loop in your reader’s mind, and they will definitely scroll down the page to close that loop. Most of the copywriters use this technique while writing their sales page or ad copy, and it’s beneficial as well.

2. Let your reader know the benefit of following you – Why Should I follow you? If you can answer this question in your headline within a few words, then it will be a big advantage for you because as soon as people land on your about me page, they will know what they are going to get from you.

3. Showcase your personality – If you’re a fashion blogger, then, of course, most of the people will follow you based on your personality. So, try to showcase your personality and uniqueness on your headline.

2. Grab Their Attention or Lose Them

In this digital era, you have only a few seconds to grab someone’s attention.

Even according to a study by Microsoft, an average human being now has an attention span of just 8 seconds.

That means you have only one chance to grab someone’s attention, or you’ll lose them for life.

Whenever you’re writing your “about me” page, you have to make sure that at least the first few lines or the intro should be attention-grabbing.

Here are few techniques you can use to make the intro of your about me page super engaging and attention-grabbing:

  • Share an interesting fact about your industry.
  • Ask a thoughtful question.
  • Start with the end of your story.
  • Start with a common problem that most of your audience might be facing.

You can also try out some more creative things to make the intro of your about page more attention-grabbing.

3. Your Picture Plays a Very Important Role

Exactly your picture plays a crucial role in your about me page.

See, people recognize someone based on their faces.

And if you want to be recognized in your industry, then you have to put your face in front of people as much as you can so that people can easily recognize you once they see your face.

People mostly visit the about me page to know more about that particular company or person.

Adding a simple photo of yourself to your about me page can drastically improve the connection between you and your reader.

A single photo of yourself can instantly grab the trust of your readers and also help you to build a reliable brand.

Make sure the photo that you’ll use is clear, and your face is evident. Here’s an example of a great profile picture in the about me page:


You can see that the picture is nicely formatted on the right side with the text. On top of that, by looking at the picture, everyone can judge her personality very quickly.

It’s precisely a perfect picture for the “About Me” page.

4. Don’t Be Shy To Tell Your Story

Human being love stories.

If you want to stand out in this immense crowd and want people to follow you, you have to tell them your story.

Adding your personal story to your about me page will make it more exciting to read, but it will also create a sense of connecting and trust in your reader’s mind.

You’ll see most of the top influencers often share stories about their struggles, fear, childhood, and success as they know the power of the story.

Let me show you a real-life example of great storytelling on the about me page.

If you visit the about page of pro blogger, you’ll see that Darren has included his personal story on his about page.


In his story, he shared how he started with blogging and how it changed his life.

He hasn’t shared everything between his blogging journey, but he has given a quick overview of his blogging story in just a few paragraphs.

Similarly, you also don’t have to share everything that has happened in your life. Instead, sharing a quick summary of your journey would work like a charm.

5. Tell Them How You’re Going To Help Them in Their Journey

Okay, I like you, but how are you going to help me?

Almost most of your audience would have this question on their mind once they start scrolling your about page.

The truth is:

Your audience doesn’t care about you. They care about themselves.

Here’s why you have to tell your audience what’s in it for them. How you’ll help them on their journey, and what are the benefits they’ll get if they start following you.

You have to make sure that whoever will read your about me page can easily understand how you’re going to help them.

For example, if you look at copyblogger about page, then you’ll notice that they’ve added a separate section where they’re explaining how they are going to help their readers.

This will not just help your readers to know what they are going to get from you, but it will also help you to trigger your targeted audience right off the bat.

6. Show Your Expertise

You can create a great headline, an attention-grabbing intro, and share your story, but nothing is going to work until you show the actual proof of your expertise.

In this digital age, everyone is an influencer who captures excellent photos. But what separates you from those so-called “Influencers?”

Your expertise!

Exactly your expertise and knowledge separate you from the rest of others. Here’s why you must always include your expertise in your about page.

Because first of all, it will separate you from the crowd, and secondly, people will start trusting you never like before.

7. Add Your Social Media Accounts

Social media is like bread and butter for all fashion bloggers.

But I think you’ll agree with me on one point – Growing followers on social media is really tough!

Either you have to put money on ads or wait for years to grow your followers organically.

But today, I will tell you a little trick that will help you grow your followers without waiting for years.

And that trick is:

Adding your social media handles on your about me page.

See, if people visit your “about me” page, they are already interested in your work, and if you add your social media handles right on your about me page, they would love to follow you.

On top of that, it will also help you to show off your authority.

8. Include Some Testimonials

Testimonials help to build authority, trust, and credibility in customer’s minds. Almost every working sales page on the internet has testimonials.

But what about having some testimonials on your blog’s about page?

You might think that it’s not a good idea, but trust me, it’s one of the best ideas to build authority, trust, and credibility of your blog.

But there’s a twist.

Instead of adding testimonials from your readers, try to get testimonials from leaders in your industry.

Because most of your audience would know them, and adding their testimonials will create a sense of connection and trust in your audience’s mind.

9. Make Sure To Include A Call To Action

Pay close attention to this part because it’s the most crucial part of any about page.

Most of the fashion bloggers usually make a mistake on their about me page. They don’t add any call to action button.

I don’t know why they don’t add this, but I know one thing, they are losing a lot of business. And if you don’t want that, then never skip this part.

Always add a call to action button at the end of your about me page.

You can use that call-to-action button to include them in your email list or to sell something. But adding them to your email list is always a better option because you can sell them multiple times in the future.

And the best part is, it will become an asset for you, and you can use it anytime you want. Here’s a beautiful example of a call to action button on the about me page of Melyssa griffin.



Writing a great about me page for your fashion blog is not rocket science. You have to follow some basic rules and techniques. That’s it!

If you follow the tips that I’ve shared with you on this article, then you can also write a winning About Me page for fashion blog like a boss.

I hope you liked this blog post, and if you did, then don’t forget to share it with your friends and colleagues.

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

6 thoughts on “How To Write An About Me page For Fashion Blog?”

  1. Here two suggestions about telling stories and picture playing role tips helpful for me. And finally, three strategies are also helpful.

    Thanks For the Article

  2. About me page for fashion blog is actually an important topic. I believe this idea will benefit all of us. Thanks so much for posting this awesome one.

  3. Your writing style is very simple and understandable. I was looking ideas for the about me page of my social website. I believe after following the general rules anyone can write an attractive about me page.

  4. finally, three strategies are also helpful. Here two suggestions about telling stories and picture playing role tips helpful for me.
    Thanks For the Article


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