Why & How To Customize Your WordPress Login Page?


Isn’t the default WordPress Login page boring?

Well, there are several plugins to help you customize your WordPress login page. Let me consolidate the best extensions through this post.

While you may think what’s the need for changing the default login page, there are many benefits of customizing the complete look and UI of your WordPress login page.

Most WordPress website owners use the same WordPress login page and don’t realize that it can be customized with the website’s logo, theme, and design.

Suppose you are running a membership website or an eCommerce site powered by WordPress where you are allowing the users to log in. In that case, you must brand your login page with an attractive design because of the old boring default login page.

Let me discuss the benefits of customizing the WordPress login page in detail!

Why Change The WordPress Login Page?

There are several benefits of having a customized WordPress login page.

How do you feel when you get the login screen, a stylish brand logo, stunning background image, social media links, and even your promo videos?

It will be memorable and meaningful, right?

With plenty of login customizer tools for WordPress, it is pretty easy to change the look of the admin login page.

Here are some advantages of making the WordPress login page more attractive!

#1. Branding

Instead of the WordPress logo, you can have your business logo on the login page. Whenever users reach the login page, they won’t feel moved into a different interface during the login process.

Login customizer tools change the WordPress logo and help you modify the entire look of the login page. An unorthodox login page can make your site more professional.

#2. Security

WordPress offers a secured environment to a greater extent, but it comes with few vulnerabilities too. All WordPress websites use a default login URL and username unless you prefer customizing or changing it.

With login customizer plugins, you can change the login URL according to your preference and ensure that the hackers or malware don’t break in. You can also add a captcha or enable two-factor authentication on your website’s login page for further security.

#3. Better User Experience

The customized login page also offers uniformity to your website. With a matching design, fonts, or colors, most users won’t even realize that they are on a WordPress platform and relate strongly with your website, especially if you are running a membership site or an eCommerce platform.

If you want to take advantage of these merits of a customized WP login page, then try using the following login customizer plugins.

Best Plugins To Create A Custom WordPress Login

There are several login customizer plugins in the WordPress plugin repository. However, experimenting too much with different plugins isn’t a good idea.

Hence, I have shortlisted the best tools to help you customize the WP login page effortlessly.

1. Memphis Custom Login

Plugin Type: Free


If you need a simple login customizer plugin, then try Memphis Custom Login by Ian Howatson. The plugin is available for free.

Just install the plugin from the WP plugins repository and activate Memphis on your WordPress site. After installation and activation, proceed to the Tools menu to see the admin panel for Memphis Custom Login.

Interesting Features Of Memphis Custom Login

  • Allows you to change background and logo on the login page.
  • Lets you hide the “Back to Blog Link”, “Register/Lost Password”, and Messaging.
  • Helps you add a custom redirect post login.
  • SSL enabled.
  • Allows customizing form background color, text color, link color, border color, border-radius, shadow, etc.
  • Password Protected blog.

2. LoginPress – Custom Login Page Customizer

Plugin Type: Free + Premium

If you are looking for a fantastic plugin to change the look and feel of your WordPress login page that has both free and premium features, then your choice should be LoginPress.

You can change the Logo, Background, and Error messages of your site login page. Moreover, you can customize the login form and its button styling & notice messages. LoginPress Pro has some amazing features.

LoginPress is a translation-ready WordPress plugin; it is WPML compatible as well. So, with this best login management for WordPress, you can rebrand your login pages without any coding knowledge.

Interesting Features Of LoginPress

  • You will get complete control to change the logo of the login like Width, Height, Image, etc.
  • It is easy to modify the background image and color of the login page.
  • You can alter the traditional error messages and display some interesting stuff for your users.
  • It is more comfortable to customize the login form and its footer.
  • It has a great collection of free add-ons to make your login page powerful.

Exceptional Premium Features

  • 1-click pre-designed templates are available.
  • You can use Google fonts on the login page.
  • Favorite images or even plain colors can be added to the background.
  • Custom CSS and JS option is available for advanced users.
  • You may add Google reCAPTCHA to protect your site from spam.

3. Admin Custom Login

Plugin Type: Free + Premium


Admin Custom Login is one of the popular login customizer tools available out there. The plugin offers a user-friendly interface and intuitive design to make login customization an easy task.

With the help of this plugin, you can alter the aesthetics of the login page as per your preferences.

Although the plugin is available for free on the WP plugin repository, you can also have additional security and user-friendly features by upgrading to the Pro version.

Once installed and activated, you will find an array of different options in the Custom Login Plugin settings panel. The options list may vary depending on the type of your subscription. You can quickly go to the appropriate tab where you want to make changes on your WP login page.

Exciting Features Of Admin Custom Login

  • Allows customizing login page background image and color.
  • Alter the login form position, color, and other customizations.
  • Add background image slideshow on the login page.
  • Redirect site users to custom URL post-login as per user roles.
  • Display social media icons on the Login Page form.
  • Unlimited color schemes for login page background and form.
  • Allows import/export all plugin settings.

Additional Pro Features

  • Set maximum login retry attempts.
  • Freeze login form after suspicious invalid login attempts.
  • Social media login access.
  • Restrict/Ban users from registered users or blacklist suspicious IP.
  • Multilingual translation feature.
  • Quick and hassle-free support.
  • Google ReCaptcha for additional security from bots.

4. Erident Custom Login and Dashboard

Plugin Type: Free


Erident Custom Login and Dashboard is one of the top-rated plugins designed to customize the login page. The plugin offers a simple user interface to help you make changes to your WP login page.

Whether you wish to change the background image, color, or styles of the WP login page, then Erident Custom Login and Dashboard is the plugin for you!

Besides the basic layout, you can also change footer text and remove WP credits and add your logo or Company name. The plugin also features import/export options to replicate custom login page settings on other websites instantly.

Interesting Features Of Erident Custom Login and Dashboard

  • Add or change Login Page background and Login form background Image or colour with opacity.
  • Replace WP Logo with your business or personal logo on Login Screen.
  • Replace Footer texts for additional branding on the Login page and Dashboard.
  • Import/Export settings to replicate the plugin configuration on other websites effortlessly.
  • Customize Login form position, border width, and add new styles.
  • Hide Forgot Password, Register, and Back to your Website links.
  • Customize Powered by Text with your brand.

5. Theme My Login

Plugin Type: Freemium


If you are looking for a free plugin with premium add-ons, then you can try Theme My Login. The plugin comes with all the basic features of customizing the WP login page.

You can change the login URL slug, let users register to the front end, allow users to set the password during registration, set email as default username, utilize an easy plug-and-play interface, and many more.

Besides, you can also customize the WP login page further with premium extensions. Theme My Login offers an extensive list of add-ons supporting Social Logins, Two-factor Authentication, Restrict site usage by user roles, moderation, security, and redirection settings.

Interesting Features Of Theme My Login

  • Enable front-end login and registration as well as password recovery.
  • Customize URL slugs for login, registration, forgot password, and other pages.
  • Set user email as the default username.
  • Login users automatically after registration.

Extensions & Add-Ons

  • Redirection – For Custom Login Redirects.
  • Restrictions – Restrict access to posts/pages, widgets, nav menu as per user login status or role.
  • Profiles – Enables front-end profile editing for users.
  • Moderation – Enables verification of user authenticity by email confirmation or manual approval.
  • Recaptcha – Google reCaptcha for additional security.
  • Social – Enables social login facility where users can log in using social media accounts.

6. Custom Login Creator – Login Page Styler

Plugin Type: Freemium


Customizing and styling your WP login page is accessible with Custom Login Creator – Login Page Styler.

Despite too many options available out there, the Login Page Styler has managed to impress the WordPress users and remains one of the highest-rated plugins in the industry.

With an intuitive design and easy user interface, you can add new style and look on your WP login page smoothly.

However, the free version of the Login Page Style comes with a lot of restrictions and you may need to purchase the Pro version to unlock the premium features of the plugin.

In the free version, you are restricted from changing the logo size, login form position, opacity, hover effects for buttons, and many more. While you may go for the Pro version, the free option does the job just fine as well.

Interesting Features Of Custom Login Creator – Login Page Styler

  • Pre-built Login Page designs to choose from
  • Google reCaptcha feature for additional security on the login and registration page.
  • Restrict or Limit the login attempts with Brute Force security
  • Set login protection for specific pages for logged as well as non-logged in users with access only to certain user types.
  • Customize login page background, color, styles, form background, border color, and styles.
  • Add/Remove navigation links on Login Page as per your preferences.

4 More Plugins To Modify WordPress Admin Login Page

Beautifully designed register page with a well-branded logo is always inspiring!

Here are a few more plugins to enhance the login form and make the users feel comfortable with fantastic design and easy navigation.

Easy Login Styler – It is the simplest extension to add your logo and background image in just 5 seconds.

GS Plugins – It is a premium plugin with tons of controlling features to make an eye-catching WordPress login screen.

Custom Login – It is the fastest free plugin to create an impressive login page for WordPress.

White Label Branding For WordPress – It is an ultimate plugin that offers full control to change the entire look of your site login with advanced control access.

Over To You!

Customizing the WordPress login page isn’t essential for effortless blogging, especially if you are the sole administrator of your blog with few writers and a couple of editors.

However, a customized login page can do wonders to your overall brand identity. It will boost the trust factor among the users if you are running a community or eCommerce platform with multiple registered users.

Adding the codes to change the login page manually would be a painful process for beginners. Hence I have recommended the best WordPress plugins to change the look of your admin login page.

If you would like to revert the default login page of WordPress, then you may remove the installed plugin without touching the coding part.

But still, if you want to customize the WordPress login page without the plugin, it is possible by doing some changes in the function.php file.

Try out any of the above plugins to customize your WordPress login screen and see how it changes the user experience on your WP website.

You are redesigning every section of your business website, but why not your login page? Just create a unique login page with a neater impression for your users, clients, or co-workers!

by Nirmala
Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

11 thoughts on “Why & How To Customize Your WordPress Login Page?”

  1. Nirmala,

    This is really a good article on a good topic since a very few people take care of the login page. Not even I every thought of designing it. But, I think there is not much need for designing it because you are the one who is going to open the login page.

    But, yes, having a customized design is always great.

    Thank you

  2. Awesome Post. Loved the way you are describing the topics and your thoughts. Your articles content are very knowledgeable and thoughtful. Thanks a lot for this amazing information. Have a nice day!

  3. Hello Nirmala,

    Great Tutorial on designing a login page. It is a process of branding your blog and if you have multi Author blog then having a branded and customize login page works great. Brilliant post.



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