Proven Tips to Make Your WordPress Site Index REALLY Fast in Google (Infographic Included)

How to make a WordPress site index fast in Google within a few hours or minutes? It’s a million dollar question!

If you already have a WordPress website or launched a new one, this tutorial will show you how to index your site in Google really fast.

So, if you are looking for the proven ways to index your new site quickly on Google or do you want to get Google indexed your newly published posts of your existing site in few minutes, then you are in the right place.

I have been following few strategies to have the fast Google indexing WordPress sites.

First, let me tell you the basic details!

Search Engine Indexing

You all know about the Index page of a Book, right? There, the content is arranged in a specific order according to the alphabets.

Likewise, search engine bots or spiders will crawl your site, index your pages, and analyze the type & quality of the content.

Then, it will move your newly crafted information to the appropriate category on the search engines results page (SERP) to show for the search users.

Nowadays, the search engines algorithms become complicated and yes, it is to provide the best & appropriate search results for the users.

If you would still like to follow the keyword stuffing strategy with a low-quality, useless content, then you will be kicked out of the Google index for sure.

So, the spiders’ main job is to find out the new content of a website and add them to the search results under the correct category.

However, you can hide the unwanted pages/posts getting indexed in search engines through “NoIndex” tags.

Benefits Of Quick Search Engine Index

We all know that the search engine traffic is the king of all traffic sources and getting more traffic from Google to your site has several advantages

But, what are the benefits of making your WordPress site index fast in Google?

  • Increases your online visibility, brand awareness and finally sales/leads.
  • Prevents the duplicate content issue when someone is copying your content and try index faster than you.
  • Tells Google that you are a dedicated webmaster.

But let me tell you one thing honestly. Increasing your search engine traffic is NOT easy when you have a new website or blog.


The simple reason is Google don’t trust new sites. There are a gazillion of websites out there, and a million of blogs are being created every single day. So giving top rankings to new sites is simply not feasible.

That’s the reason why Google only gives the highest priority to the sites with a better domain authority and links.

But how can you boost traffic to your new sites?

Before attracting more traffic from Google to your sites, you first need to get few basic things right. Among them, indexing your site on Google is absolutely crucial.

Without indexing your blog posts on Google, how can you even get people to visit your sites?

Not indexing the site on Google is one of the major mistakes most new bloggers & site owners make. 

If you are one among them, this article is for you where you will know how to index your site on Google and get faster results.

Are you ready to find out more? Let’s dig into the details.

How To Index Your WordPress Site In Google Quickly?

Just follow the important steps and make WordPress site index fast in Google even it is new!


Step 1: Create An XML Sitemap

The very first step you need to implement to index your WordPress sites faster in Google search results is to create an XML sitemap for your site.

An XML sitemap is what contains a list of all the pages that your website has. It helps search engine crawlers to easily crawl your whole site and index your pages on Google whenever you update something on your sites.

So how can you create an XML sitemap?

Fortunately for WordPress users, there’s an incredible plugin available. It’s called Google XML Sitemaps plugin, and it will generate a special XML sitemap which will help search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo and to better index your blog. Simply install (it’s free), activate it on your blog and follow the next step.

If you use SEO by Yoast plugin, you may use the XML sitemap feature provided in it.

Step 2: Submit Your Sitemap To Google Webmasters Tools

Once you have installed and enabled the XML sitemaps plugin on your site, it’s time to submit your sitemap to Google webmaster tools.

If you don’t have an account in webmaster tools yet, you should create one immediately, and it’s completely free. It is required for you to index your whole WordPress site on Google search results.

Just go to Google Webmasters Tools and create a free account with your Google account. Once you are done with it, simply add your new site to webmaster tools.

You can do that by going to optimization tab on your webmaster tools and click on “Add URL” to add the link to your sitemap.

If you still struggle to add your site to Google Webmasters Tools, then check my step-by-step guide to include your site to GWT.

Step 3: Submit Your Site URL to Google

Once you are done with the above step (after submitting the sitemap), just submit your site URL to Google.

You can do so by clicking on “Add a New Property” on the Google search console option which you will see from your webmaster tools.

Here’s how it looks like.


Just enter website or blog URL and click on “Add” button to add your site to Google webmaster tools.

At this step, it will ask you to verify your site, just pick any one of the provided methods to check your site.

Alternatively, you can install WordPress SEO by Yoast plugin (free) and just paste the code given on webmaster tools to verify your site. It’s the easiest method of all.

That’s it! You’re done with submitting your site to Google so it will start indexing faster whenever you update on your sites.

Step 4: Submit Your Site To Relevant Online Directories

Although this is an optional step, I highly recommend you to finish this step as it can bring you massive change in your search rankings.

Why should you submit your new WordPress site to web directories?

Directories have a TON of benefits like

  • Quickly index your site on Google
  • Get some good backlinks
  • Increase your search visibility

Now if you are wondering where to find the directories, don’t worry. Here’s a MASSIVE list of web directories compiled by the top site Top Rank Blog.

Simply submit your new site on at least few of them like AllTop & DMOZ would make your WordPress site index faster in Google search results.

Other Strategies To Get Index Your New WP Content Quickly

1. Craft Quality Content With On-page SEO

It is always good to write the helpful, quality content for the readers after doing the keyword research.

Understand the requirements of your visitors, collect keywords related to their needs, craft content and place the keywords in a natural way.

On-Page SEO still matters and hence, keep an eye on the keyword placement.

2. Do Blog Commenting On Active Blogs

Make a list of active cum authority blogs and leave your meaningful comments after reading their content. You may use the post/page URL while commenting instead of using the homepage link of your site.

It will send signals to the bots that you got something new on your site and made the Google indexing fast.

3. Use Ping Sites

When you publish the fresh content, make use of ping sites like Pingler and Pingomatic and let the spiders know your new content.

4. Use robots.txt File

When the search bots come to your site, they follow the instructions given the robots.txt file.

Do you know how to create it? 

If you don’t have any idea about this simple text file, you may read my in-depth post on robots.txt file WordPress.

Adding sitemap in robots.txt file would help your site get indexed fast in Google

5. Utilize Social Media, Bookmarking & Community Sites

Don’t forget to create the social media profiles for your website with your site link. Add targeted visitors as social followers and share your new piece of content for them.

When they get to read and spread your content on social media, it would be a good help to make the indexing faster for your website.

Also, use the dynamic bookmarking & community sites like Digg, Delicious, StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Bizsugar, Blokube, and Klinkk to add your fresh content.

PRO TIP: Don’t limit yourself to share the content of your site in social media! If you share the high quality, helpful posts of others, you can stay authoritative in the eyes of Google and other search engines.

5. Maintain Post Publishing Consistency

If you wonder, Why Google not indexing my new content, then I would say that it is better to follow a content publishing frequency (Say 1 per week).

6. Few More Points To Consider

If you still have some questions like, Why my new content are not appearing on Google?, Why Google not indexing my new blog posts, then consider fixing the following things

# Check for broken links, 404 errors, Crawl & Sitemap errors in Google Webmasters tool and fix them

# Improve the internal linking structure with perfect anchor text links

# Get quick loading WordPress theme.

# Purchase reliable hosting service to maintain a good uptime

# Set up RSS feed with Feedburner

# Get quality backlinks through guest blogging and taking part in Forums.

Final Verdict On Quick Indexing Your WordPress Site In Google

As I said earlier in this tutorial, the majority of the bloggers don’t index their WordPress sites on Google. That’s the reason why most of them NEVER get enough traffic from Google to their sites.

So don’t make that mistake. If you want to grow your search engine traffic, your very first step should be indexing your site on Google.

By following the simple steps mentioned above, you can quickly index your WordPress site on Google search results so you will start getting more traffic.

So what are your thoughts about the tutorial? Did it help you to make your WordPress site index fast on Google? What are the other fast indexing methods that you have tried?

How long will it take for the Google search engine to catch your freshly published content? If you have any other helpful way to get Google instantly index the new content of your WordPress site, kindly let us know through the comment section.

Now it’s Infographic time 🙂

Have a look at the infographics created with fast Google indexing strategies!


If you like the infographic on how to make WordPress site index fast in Google, just copy the below codes to publish it on your WordPress site!

<a href=""><img src="" alt="make WordPress site index fast in Google" /></a>

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

43 thoughts on “Proven Tips to Make Your WordPress Site Index REALLY Fast in Google (Infographic Included)”

    • Thanks for reading the post, glad you liked it. Sure, just copy the codes that I have provided at the bottom of the post and paste it in the text mode. You are welcome!

  1. Hello Nirmala Ma’am!

    How are you? Hope you’re doing great as always!

    No doubt, I loved every step you mentioned.

    Thanks for the info-graphics too Ma’am!

    I’ll surely implement these tips for indexing my site fast 🙂

    • Hey Abdul,

      I’m fine, hope you as well.

      Good to see you on a regular basis and thanks for reading the post.

      Great that you would like to follow my tips to index your site in Google fast.

      Keep coming!

  2. Hello Ma’am,

    Nicely designed infographic which is easy to understand and learn. This one is going to useful to everyone.

    I will also follow above tips for fast indexing. Thanks for Sharing. 🙂
    ~Swapnil Kharche

    • Welcome to my blog, Swapnil. Cheers, that you liked the inforgraphic on quick site indexing.

      Yes, following the essential strategies to make your WP site index fastly in search engines is indeed needed. You are most welcome, stay tuned!

  3. Hi Ma’am,

    It’s my first visit on your blog. I like your writing style and all your eye cache points.

    I am really loving your article. I have bookmarked your blog and will keep visiting it. Really a great inspiration for me and many bloggers.

    I like your infographics as well.

    • Hi Jigar,

      Thanks for landing on my blog, you are welcome!

      It is good to know that you like my style of writing and yes, it helps me to stand out from the hoard.

      Thanks for bookmarking the blog and feel free to leave your thoughts and viewpoints.

  4. Hi Nirmala,

    Informative post indeed 🙂

    I think every blogger wishes that their posts get indexed as soon as they publish it! While it does in most cases, but sometimes you need to make extra efforts to get it all done, and your posts mentions the apt ways to get it all done really fast. I’ve usually done through the Google Webmasters Tools way and a few others, as you mentioned, if required.

    Thanks for sharing it with us. Have a nice day ahead 🙂

    • Hi Harleena,

      Thanks for landing on my blog and sharing your wonderful views. Yes! I agree with your opinion that the every blogger wants to get index their blog posts quickly on Google once they have done publishing.
      And, it has benefits as I mentioned in the post. Good to get your comment and share, keep visiting!

  5. Hey Nirmala,

    WordPress indexing a kind of hard thing to understand. You have made it clear to many readers as what it takes to start building and getting their website indexed in search engine.

    There are many plugins to create the XML sitemap. Even though if you’re using an SEO plugin which would do the thing for you.

    Though the era of directories has faded but still, it’s quite effective.

    An informative post indeed.

    • Hi Ravi,

      Welcome again here, I’m accepting your views on WordPress index. Yes, creating the sitemap is most important and it can be done easily by SEO by Yoast plugin.

      You are correct! We don’t need to list our blog in hundreds of websites. It is greatly enough to add our web page in the authority directories like Bing and Alltop to get backlinks.

      Thanks for being here frequently, stay tuned!

  6. Hey Nirmala Man,
    First of all thanks for above Information. But I have question i did everything as you described here. like Submit sitemap n all. But still when i publish new post it take time to index but tags that create for the same post are indexing quickly. even some of my post like 1 month ago i published still not indexed.
    what should i do now?
    should i republish post with some more content to it or some other technique is there?

    • Hi Gaurav,

      It is really great that you’re already following the tips that I’ve listed here. I would advise you to use “Noindex” to your tags as they may create the duplicate content issues.

      Just edit the posts that didn’t get index on Google and leave the meaningful comment with that URL on authority blogs (Try to reach the blogs that offer dofollow commentLuv). Use twitter and G+ to share the edited posts.

      Then it is more likely to get your posts on the Google search as quick as possible. Thanks for asking doubts, hope my reply would help you in fast indexing of blog posts. Keep visiting to share your viewpoints.

  7. Really nice post and very informative and I must say great analogy. All the points you mentioned is definitely proven methods and I, ,upheld tried all these methods and it does help many sites to get quick indexing by Google bots, but I also would like toad one point that submitting our site URL to Google may help it index in a quick way, but to make it rank we have to wait till Google crawls the post content and rank it. Thanks for the post by the way Nirmala.

    Keep writing great stuff.

    • Hi Raj,

      Nice to see you here! I agree with your helpful views and yes, we need to wait for the ranking result (if we have done well with the content and the on-page SEO). Stay tuned!

  8. Hi Nirmala mam,

    Thanks for sharing such informative post.

    I have implemented all your tips. I achieved a peak variance.
    The idea given by you was really awesome. Keep sharing those informative posts, that would help the bloggers to shine.

    Can you suggest me whether or is good to use?

    • Thanks for being here Vijay. I feel good with the appreciation.

      Please use the ideas and make your content index fast on search engines. Let me know the results. Have a good day!

    • Glad you feel that my post is helpful. Thanks for adding your comment. Stay tuned. Also, let me know the results after implementing these search engine index strategies.

  9. Hello Nirmala,

    Today, It’s a first time i visit your blog. i was searching for something other, but i got landing on your blog, Visiting some posts, i came here.

    Your writing style and all sub headings (points) make me to stay here till end of the post. You will not believe me, what i am saying, but your blog is really inspiration for all bloggers (Pro & New).

    I am also Tech Blogger, so i can understand that Text Blogging is easier than infographics blogging. Your Hardwork to explain things threw infographics, is appreciable. Thanks for post and info-graphics.

    • I’m glad for your arrival and comment Dharak, thanks for your kind words. It means a lot!

      I feel good that I could inspire the bloggers and write the useful stuff, keep visiting.

  10. Hi Nirmala, great article

    I have a question about sitemap. I used Google XML Sitemap before and already submit it to Webmaster. And now I have Yoast SEO, is this plugin create a sitemap automatically?

    If I want to delete Google XML Sitemap and use sitemap from Yoast, will it affect my indexing?

    • No, it will not affect your indexing. Disable Google XML Sitemap plugin and enable the same in Yoast SEO plugin. Then, submit the new sitemap to the Google webmaster tool.

      • Hi, thnx for the quick reply

        One more thing. If I update my post, should I submit the link again to Webmaster though it’s already indexed? Or Google already knows this automatically?

        • When you update the posts, you don’t need to submit the URL in GWT. Google will automatically crawl the updated pages.

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  12. hi! glad to read your informative blog. The website loading velocity is amazing have you heard the AUTHORIZE plugin? It’s also an amazing tool to work with.

  13. These easy words are awesome to learn about WordPress site index fast in Google. I have learned something new through this posting. I hope people will like this guide. Please keep posting things like this.


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