How To Create An Author Box in Divi Theme? 


In this blog post, I’ll explain how to add the Author box in Divi theme installed WordPress website. It is a simple process that can be completed in a few minutes. You don’t need a design professional to complete this task.

You need to use the “Module” feature in the Divi theme builder and customize your Author bio through its detailed design settings. These settings are self-explanatory; no prior experience is needed to work with these preferences.

Before going into the detailed guidelines to include the author bio in your Divi site, let me consolidate the benefits of adding this section to your blog posts! If you are not using this best WordPress theme, get it now through the Divi Discount to build attractive sites.

Why Add Author Bio In Your Blog Articles?

Establishing Credibility – Your audience will most likely trust the information you have provided when they know who wrote it and understand your knowledge.

Enhancing Branding – It ensures a cohesive look and feel across your content, reinforcing your brand identity.

Improving User Experience – It can help visitors navigate your site effectively and find content that matches their requirements and interests.

Boosting SEO – It sends a signal to Google and other search engines about your qualifications and experience, which can positively impact the EEAT score of your site.


If you use GeneratePress theme, check the process of integrating Author Box.

Step-by-Step Process To Include Author Box In Your Divi Site

After checking the benefits of creating an author bio on your website, I assume you are keenly interested in implementing the same on your websites built with the Divi theme.

Let’s get into the simple steps!

Step 1: Log in to your WordPress dashboard, go to the post section, view any published posts, and click “Enable Visual Builder,” as shown in the screenshot below! 


Now, you have entered editable mode!

Step 2: Hover the cursor on the post bottom section; it will show the editing options; click “Add New Module,” which is in the black circle + button. (Marked in the below image) 


Step 3: After clicking this option, you will get the settings to search the module. Find out the “Person” module. 


Step 4: Select this module and enter details like your Name, Position, Social Media Profile, and Description. Check the following image for reference. 


Step 5: Look at the following screenshot to see how I have added my details, including name, designation, social profile, and profession description. After filling in your details, hit the Green Colour Tick button to save the information you have given. 


Step 6: Next, I will add my image in the Author Bio section. Let’s add my picture through the “Image” option and fix its background color. 

Upload your profile image in the WordPress media library and add the image. Now, go to its background settings and choose the color preference. See the below screenshot for reference.


After uploading your image and choosing the background color, don’t forget to click the Green Tick Button to save your changes. 

Step 7: Let’s move on to the “Design” settings, where you can set up the content sections like icons, image, titles, and so on. 

In this section, you have the option to fix

  1. Icon Colour
  2. Icon Font Size
  3. Style & Border For Image
  4. Title text size
  5. Title letter spacing
  6. Title line height
  7. Title Text shadow
  8. Spacing (Margin & Padding)
  9. Box Shadow

Check the setting options for social media Icons! You can change the Icon color and size. 


Likewise, you can design the Image shape and apply shadow effect! Have a glance at these settings through the images below. I’m using 100px to get rounded corners for my profile image in the author bio.


Set up everything for the Title, like changing font family, size, shadow, spacing and letter height.


Next, I am going to customize the spacing and background shadow settings. Refer to the below image.


Click Green Tick Button to save all your changes. That’s all! Your author box is ready! 

Before design


After design


Wrapping Up

Including your Author bio in the blog articles provides readers with information about your expertise and experience. It can create a personal connection between you and your audience. Besides, when the readers know more about you, they are more likely to trust the details presented in the blog post. 

It can also contribute to the overall branding of your website and help you establish a recognizable identity. Lastly, as search engines aim to deliver authoritative content, knowing more about you can help the search spiders assess the credibility of the information you have shared, improving your SEO performance. 

If you are using the Divi WordPress theme to build your website, don’t forget to design an attractive Author bio to make readers feel comfortable interacting with you, as it will help you build trust with your audience. I hope you understand how to create an Author box in the Divi theme. If you need help with the design, reach me through the comment section. 

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by Sakthi
Sakthi is a thoughtful guy who specializes in WordPress Setup & Design. He is interested in designing the functional & attractive WordPress themes for the Digital marketers & Bloggers and helping them attain their goals with a tailored site. Being an Elite author of, he is interested in sharing his knowledge through the helpful tutorials.

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