Why & How To Find The Target Audience For WordPress Site?

Before starting a WordPress blog or website for your business, you must find the target audience and prepare the content for them. It is common to see blogs experiencing a decline in traffic or nil traffic. 

Do you know why it is happening? The most common reason is that those sites have not identified the right target audience and their requirements. I would say that It is high time to know their target market. 

If you are new to managing WordPress sites and businesses, here is a detailed guide with tools and processes to determine your aimed visitors. Following this guide will also boost your site’s rankings and revenues. 

Let’s start with the basics! 

What Is Target Audience?

Target audience is a group of people for whom you will write and publish the content on your WordPress site. Your target audience will have similar interests and need information about the content you create and post on your site. 

To have a profitable WordPress business, you must spend enough time determining the nature of the target audience. Delivering the information to the right people would help you generate consistent revenue. 

If you are still unsure who a target audience is, let us look at an example here!

Let’s assume you have a blog on troubleshooting problems on keyboards. It means your target audience needs to be keyboard users. In that case, the user might experience several issues using it effectively. 

You can create user guides and tips for these users to solve common errors faced with keyboards. So, it would be better to find out the following things like

  1. Where do they live, and what are their other interests? 
  2. How do they want to communicate?
  3. What is their demographic and psychographic information? 
  4. How could you help them in a better way than your competitors?

In simple words, I can explain the target audience are the prospective buyers of your products/services. I hope you are clear, and let’s move on to the benefits of finding them for your business site. 

Why Should You Identify Target Visitors?

Identifying the target market helps you to do the following:

  • Choose the keywords 
  • Spy the competitors
  • Prepare the content 
  • Focus on marketing strategies
  • Build a community
  • Increase your revenue

As blog owners, we want to make adequate revenues with our content. It is essential to craft excellent content and target audience strategy. 

Unless you have developed relevant reader personas, it isn’t easy to succeed in running WordPress-based businesses. It could be challenging to identify the target market in the first instance. However, we would sort it out with our detailed guide below. 

5 Helpful Ways to Find The Target Audience For Your Site

The target audience will formulate the niche and guide you towards keyword analysis. As a WordPress site owner, you should never miss this vital step. Otherwise, it can take a toll on the success level of the site. 

There are five steps to get this done for your site. 

1. Do Keyword Research 

Search engine optimization (SEO) comes as the first step when you talk about a site. It lays the foundation for website builders. When you create an SEO-friendly blog, the site will likely rank at the top for several keywords. 

So, what is keyword research all about? How do you do it? 

Keyword research is nothing but consolidating the search phrases related to your business site or blog. When you know the keywords that are being searched on Google and other search engines, it would be easier for you to create the content for your audience by keeping those search terms in your writings. 

Many keyword research tools are available online such as Ahrefs, SEMRush, and Ubersuggest. These tools give you information about each keyword, such as keyword difficulty, competition level, cost per click (CPC) value, and search volume. 

As blog owners, we focus adequately on creating valuable content but optimizing them according to keywords will promote engagement and visibility of the brand. 

Let us take the previous example. If you are looking at building a site on keyboard troubleshooting, you must type this term on one of these tools. You will get related keywords to this main keyword.

Just sort the ones with low competition and start writing valuable content on them. When you rank top on the Google search engine results for the specific keywords, then it means that you are going to drive the targeted readers to your website. 

2. Leverage Social Media

Using social media to redefine the reader persona is an excellent way to diversify traffic and gain visibility. It is common among website owners and content creators to fall short of topics our audiences would like. 

In that case, visit Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram and watch the feed and trends. These sources of information will give you an idea of the content you should create right now. 

Another benefit of social media is that you can remarket and bring social media traffic to your site. It increases the number of clicks and impressions on your site. If you have an excellent budget to brand your site, Facebook remarketing is a blessing. 

You can share links to the contents on Facebook groups or Twitter feeds. It is a fantastic way to bring in new visitors to your site and enhance the nature of the target audience. On the other hand, you can also run advertisements redirecting visitors to your site. 

Facebook is a brilliant tool that can help you bring the ideal audience to your WordPress site. I like their tracking service, Facebook Pixel, to monitor the conversions from your Facebook Ads. Installing this feature in WordPress is just a piece of cake!  

3. Use Online Forums

How about getting your WordPress site known by larger groups of people falling under your target audience? Well, online forums can do that for you. 

Forums like Quora discuss a wide range of topics. If you type the keyboard in the search box, you can see the common search behaviors of your target audience. From recommendations to solutions, you can find everything in these forums. 

After you decide on a niche, log on to an online forum. Subsequently, you should find out what people are talking about or discussing. This will give you a better understanding of the content plan, keywords, and competitors in space. 

There are also dedicated forums for multiple niches. You can google for keyboard forums and create an account. Start participating in these forum discussions. You can even get a chance to interact with the target audience directly. Isn’t that a boon? This type of participation does not demand a fee. 

4. Do Competitor Research

So, you have got an understanding of what your audience reads. But is that enough to host the site? Not really. You must perform competitor analysis to rank top on Google for profitable keywords. This approach will give you a better understanding of your audience and how you can gain their attention with appropriate campaigns and content. 

If you are new to competitor analysis, type your niche on one of the tools mentioned earlier, or you can also google a keyword that you have chosen. Now, you can see up to ten posts on the first page. So, those sites are the competitors for that keyword or the niche, on the whole. 

Hover through the site to understand the kind of content produced, frequency, marketing tactics, and call to action followed. Alternatively, you can note down site URLs and then enter them on keyword tools like Ahrefs to obtain complete analytics. This approach prepares you to handle competition and appropriately approach your target audience. 

5. Use Analytics 

Does target audience research apply only to new sites? Not really. You need to recheck if the target audience has changed or diversified at each point of growing your WordPress site. I’d recommend installing a plugin on the WordPress site to track site health and user intent. 

Try with one of the plugins here – Rankmath or Site Health Kit, or Analytics. Rankmath is a solution to optimize your content and provide suggestions to your site to rank better. The site health kit obtains detailed information about your site from various sources such as Google Search Console, Google Analytics, and Google Adsense. 

Perhaps, you can limit yourself only to Analytics, depending on your interest and preference. When installing any of these plugins, you can understand how the target audience has interacted with your site and their common queries. When you build the content plan, you can include these queries to formulate suitable content. 

It is an easy way to develop your WordPress site in the long run. Sometimes, your site may talk about troubleshooting keyword components, but your audience might have looked for product suggestions on your site or a competitor’s site. Following these data can expand the site and provide a complete solution to the target audience. 


The first step to starting a site is to define the target audience. It is crucial as it gives direction to the content creator and educates the business owner on what to offer to the aimed readers. I hope you have learned something new in identifying suitable people for your dream site.

Knowing your target audience and interacting with them will build credibility for your site. As you build credibility, you get on your path to a successful, profitable online business. Do you agree with my viewpoint? Did you understand how to find the target audience for a WordPress site?

by Nirmala
Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

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