A Simple Guide To Create A Strong Password For WordPress Sites


Here is a simple guide to create a strong password for WordPress sites to prevent you from being hacked. Yes, this blog post shows you what information should be included in a secure password and how to choose a good password using some specific tips.

Hackers are getting smarter, and they are getting more and more sophisticated. They are always trying to find a way to hack into your WordPress site. This is why you need to create a complex password for it. But the problem is, how can we create one?

Should we use random strings of letters or numbers or something more unique? What length should they be? These questions might confuse beginners or those who have never tried creating a strong password.

Before getting into the tips of forming a robust password for your WordPress business site, let me tell you the necessary for doing it!

Why Is It Essential To Create A Strong Password For WordPress Sites?

WordPress is open-source software, which means anyone can see what happens behind the scenes. This makes it vulnerable to hacking. The brilliant way to solve this problem is to create a strong password that will protect your website from being hacked.

Every day we hear about security breaches of websites, most commonly WordPress websites. Weak passwords are the main reasons behind such incidents. About 80 percent of security breaches result from weak and reused passwords.

Most people use common passwords to eliminate the headache of remembering different passwords. About 24 percent of Americans use common passwords like abc123, 12345, 1212, or more like these. To your surprise, 23 million people use “123456” as a password. 

What Ways Can Hackers Access Your WordPress Site?

Hackers can use several types of attacks to access your WordPress site. These are the most common hacking methods that hackers use, from weak passwords to SQL injection. 

1. Brute Force Attack

A brute force attack is when a hacker tries every possible combination of letters, numbers, and special characters to try and get into your WordPress website. For example, they might try “admin,” “1234”, “password,” “1234567890”, etc.

The best way to stop brute force attacks is to use a strong password of at least eight characters long. Using a well-known password manager or a unique password for each account is recommended.

2. Dictionary Attack

Hacks can try to guess your username and password by trying different combinations of dictionary words such as your name, email address, etc. 

The right way to avoid this is to use words that aren’t in a dictionary or incorrectly spelling words such as “carz” instead of “cars.”

3. Phishing Attack

Hackers can also use social engineering techniques to trick you into handing over your login credentials. This happens when hackers pretend to be someone else on your network or even a trusted person to gain access to your WordPress site.

Hackers can also try to steal your login details by installing keylogger software on your computer. This software is designed to capture all the keys typed on your keyboard.

The Antidote For Hackers – Tips To Create A Complex Password For WordPress

Before going into depth, we should know what a strong password is and how we would know if our password is strong enough or not. 

A strong password is a password with a high level of security and a long length. It should be formed with at least 12 characters and contain one capital letter, lowercase letter, uppercase letter, number, and unique character. It should not be easy to guess and break.

Using a strong password can stop any unauthorized person from accessing your site. An ideal way to ensure that your site is protected from hackers is to make sure you follow these while creating a password:

1. Avoid Sequential Numbers Or Letters

Using common words like “password,” “123456”, etc., makes your password easy to guess. Similarly, avoid sequential letters or numbers such as abc123.

2. Avoid Reusing The Same Password For Multiple Accounts

The most common mistake when creating passwords is that people use the same password on different websites. Using the same old password on different sites means putting your personal information at risk.

3. Never Include Your DOB In The Password

It would be best to not use your name, date of birth, address, phone number, etc., as a password. These are easy to guess, and intruders can use them to hack into your WordPress site.

You should also avoid using your social security number or credit card numbers. Hackers can access your personal information, which could put you at risk.

4. Use A Combination Of Different Letters, Symbols, And Numbers

A strong password requires a combination of both letters and numbers. This way, if someone tries to access your account, it will be more difficult for them to crack.

5. Choose A Good Password Length

The length of a password should not be too short or too long. Choosing the right length is very important because it is hard to remember if it is too long. But if the length is too short, it is easier for the hacker to guess it. Choosing an eight-character password is known to be a good length password.

6. Avoid Using Dictionary Words

Words used in dictionaries are also prone to be guessed or cracked with the help of several software. Try to use words that are not in a dictionary, such as shortcuts or replacing words such as substituting “z” for “s” and more. 

7. Use Two-Factor Authentication

I have already explained Two-factor authentication (2FA). You must use an additional device or a code to log into your WordPress site. You may use the Google Authenticator app on your smartphone to create 2FA codes.

8. Use A Password Manager

A password manager is an application that allows you to store all your passwords in one place. It helps you to access all your accounts from anywhere. You should use a password manager and not use the same password for multiple accounts.

9. Change Your Password After Every Six Months

Your password should be changed every six months. This is because hackers can try to hack into your site with the help of their brute-force attacks.

10. Use WordPress Plugin

You might also use WordPress plugins specially designed to protect other password-protected pages and sites. The best WordPress plugin for password protection is “Passster – Password Protection.”

It allows you to either protect the whole site or some specific pages. Besides using a strong password to protect your site, this plugin uses a captcha that might save you from bots.

Moreover, this plugin allows you to set a list of passwords that would keep changing after some specific use or time. The password plugin has a free and premium version that must be paid for activation. 

Final Words

In conclusion, choosing a good password is not just a matter. It’s about creating a good password that is easy to remember and hard to guess for a hacker. It is an essential part of creating a good password.

Follow the tips above to create a strong password for WordPress sites and see the magic. Never compromise on your security and create a password that could scam the scammers. How do you create a password for your website? Share your viewpoints!

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

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