Cloudways vs WPX Hosting – Which WordPress Hosting Should You Buy In 2024?


Are you confused about choosing Cloudways vs WPX Hosting for your WordPress business site? Then, you’re just a few moments away from getting your answer. Cloudways and WPX Hosting are the hosting industry’s most trusted names.

If you’re aware of web hostings, you must have heard these two names. However, choosing between Cloudways and WPX hosting is the biggest problem. Both hosting services have almost the same popularity and reputation on the market.

But do both of them provide the same quality of service? That’s what we are going to find out in this article.

Cloudways Vs WPX Hosting – Quick comparison

In this post, I will compare Cloudways and WPX hosting head-to-head and see which is best for you. If you don’t have enough time to read the entire article, you can quickly scan the comparison table below to find your winner.




Monthly Price

$11/Mo (Monthly)

$24.99/Mo (Annually)

Storage & Bandwidth

25GB & 1TB

20GB & 200GB

Free Trial

3 Days (Without Credit Card)

First 2months for $2

Data Centers



Free Domain & Email

Not available

Not available

Why Cloudways?

I strongly recommend Cloudways for the following reasons.

  • Super-Fast Servers – The biggest reason Cloudways is chosen is its super-fast hosting servers. It uses SSD servers, Cloudflare CDN, an In-built advanced caching system, and PHP 7.3, which makes its servers blazing fast. Don’t miss checking the details of the recently introduced autonomous plan for heavy-traffic websites.
  • Top-Class Support – The second most important reason to go with Cloudways is their support system. It provides 24/7 top-class support through phone calls, live chat, and email.
  • Affordable – Cloudways does not only provide world-class service but also very affordable pricing. The basic plan starts at just $11/mo, almost half the price of WPX hosting. Compare the Cloudways DigitalOcean and Vultr servers to pick the best one.
  • A Wide Range Of Data Centers – Data centers are crucial to any website’s performance and speed. In simple words, the more data centers a web host has, the better performance it can provide to users around the globe. The company has 62 data centers around the globe, whereas WPX hosting has only 26 data centers.
  • Choose Your Cloud Provider – The best thing I like about Cloudways is that it lets you choose your preferred cloud server provider. They currently have 3 cloud server providers: DigitalOcean, AWS, and Google Cloud.
  • Top-Notch Security – Besides performance and excellent support, security is the top factor that made me a super fan. Cloudways does Bot protection, SafeUpdates, Regular security patching, and Two-Factor authentication, which keeps their database super secure.
  • Other Qualities – It is simple to create Subdomains here. Besides, you can easily update the PHP version and clear the cache.

Why WPX Hosting?

WPX Hosting is a reputable hosting provider, but it’s way behind Cloudways regarding performance, features, and pricing.

Still, to give you a fair chance to understand both hosting providers, I will give you a few reasons to choose WPX Hosting.

  • 99.95% Uptime Guarantee – It claims to provide an uptime of 99.95%, better than most hosting providers. But still, few hosting providers even provide an uptime of 99.99% or above.
  • Dedicated Support – No one could beat the technical support like this managed WordPress hosting as they have structured their team members who can solve your issues instead of transferring your requirements to the other department. Their average response time is 30 seconds, an unseen quality in other hosting services.
  • Free CDN – Here, you will get lightning-fast CDN for free. It is available in 26 global edge locations to offer unbeatable speed for clients.

Cloudways Vs WPX Hosting – In-Depth Comparison

Let’s begin the detailed war between Cloudways and WPXhosting!

1. Speed

Website speed is a crucial factor not just for SEO but for the user experience of your website as well. These days, having a slow-loading website can harm your Google ranking and your website’s reputation.

Here’s why you always have to keep improving the speed of your site.

Web hosting is the most significant factor behind any website’s loading speed. If your web hosting is robust, you’ve already won half the battle. But if your web hosting is not so strong and performs poorly, no matter how much optimization you do, your website speed will not improve.

You must choose the right hosting to build a faster website. That being said, WPX Hosting and Cloudways have the quickest-loading hosting server on the market. However, after testing both servers, I found one performs slightly better.


It is known for its faster-hosting servers. I’ve been using this managed cloud hosting for a very long time, and till now, I’ve almost had a stable website loading speed. Here’s a snapshot of my website loading speed with Cloudways.


My website is loading in under 1 second, and the most significant credit for this goes to Cloudways. Yes, I have done a few optimizations, but without good hosting, It was almost impossible to achieve this loading speed.

Cloudways is like any other ordinary hosting provider, but its advanced and extraordinary features make it a super fast hosting provider. Here are some features that help to improve the loading speed of any website:

  • SSD Servers – SSD servers are usually 3x faster than normal hosting servers. And the best part is that Cloudways is based on SSD servers, which automatically improves the loading time by 3 times.
  • Dedicated Environment – Most hosting providers usually use shared resources. Still, this company provides each customer with a dedicated environment and resources that help maximize the server and website performance.
  • Cloudways CDN – If your website is visited globally, then CDN (Content delivery network) is a must for your website. However, CDNs are usually very expensive. Here, you can easily integrate the Cloudflare Enterprise network.
  • In-Built Caching System – It provides an In-built caching system that makes their servers even faster than usual.

WPX Hosting

WPX Hosting also has a good loading speed but still lacks it. Here’s a website’s loading speed using this managed WordPress hosting.

Although WPX provides free CDN and uses PHP 7.X, it still cannot match Cloudways’ loading speed.

Speed Testing






Loading Time



Winner: Cloudways

Verdict – Even though both hosting provide the same features, WPX Hosting takes double the time to load compared to Cloudways. So it’s quite clear that Cloudways has faster servers.

2. Performance

Performance or Uptime is also a crucial metric before choosing a hosting. If your hosting has terrible uptime, then you’ll not only lose traffic but also lose a lot of potential revenue. We only look for speed most of the time, but uptime is equally essential to any website.

Here’s why I’ll also show you the Uptime of both Cloudways and WPX Hosting so you can better understand both hosting servers beyond speed.



Many hosting companies claim to provide Uptime of above 99%. But sadly, most are false claims. That’s why I didn’t want to tell something that Cloudways claims.

Instead, I checked my site’s Uptime (Hosted on Cloudways). And I was pretty impressed by the result. Here’s the uptime report of my site.

You can see that it’s consistently providing 100% uptime for the last 30 days without even a single downtime.

WPX Hosting

WPX is not a bad hosting provider, but they have a problem with their Uptime. Few of their customers faced downtime issues. On the other, they claim to provide an uptime of 99.95%.

It was getting tough for me to believe which one was true. Here’s why I decided to monitor the Uptime of this high-quality hosting. And here’s the result.


The Uptime is – 99.98%, and it is not a very poor result, but again, it lacks performance like Cloudways.

Up&Down Time



Up Time



Winner: Cloudways

Verdict – After testing both hosting servers, I found Cloudways to be more reliable and stable. Although WPX does provide decent Uptime, if we compare Cloudways Vs WPX Hosting side by side, Cloudways wins the race.

3. WordPress Features – Which One Is Good For WordPress Websites?

WordPress is the most popular CMS (content management system). And if you want to choose between Cloudways and WPX Hosting, you’re probably a WordPress user. That’s why you, as a WordPress user, must know which hosting is suitable for WordPress websites.

Both hosting servers are top hosting companies in the WordPress space. But which hosting is best for a WordPress user? Let’s find out.


Cloudways is not only a WordPress-focused hosting provider, but they have separate plans for WordPress users and provide plenty of unique features for WordPress sites. Right now, over 600,000+ WordPress sites are hosted using this hosting.

You can imagine the craze of Cloudways among WordPress users from these numbers. This cloud server hosting provides many valuable features for WordPress sites, but the best feature is one-click WordPress Installation.

Using the one-click installation feature, you can install a brand-new WordPress site with just a single click.

WPX Hosting

WPX Hosting is a specialized WordPress hosting provider. They don’t provide any hosting besides WordPress Hosting. This managed hosting type also provides the one-click WordPress installation feature.

But even after being a specialized WordPress hosting provider, they don’t offer any extraordinary features that Cloudways doesn’t provide.

Winner: Both

Verdict – Both hosting companies provide almost the same features for WordPress sites. So it doesn’t matter which hosting you choose; you’ll get the same WordPress features.

4. CDN

CDN is necessary for a faster loading site if you get traffic from different countries. CDN (content delivery network) is a distributed group of servers located in various locations around the globe that helps to reduce the distance between the server and the end-user.

But CDNs are not free. Instead, they are too costly. However, many hosting companies have started providing free CDN for their users.


Cloudways, by far, has the best CDN service among all leading hosting providers. Its CDN is not only very reliable but also inexpensive. With every hosting plan, they provide free CDN servers for their users.

The best part is they have over 62+ data centers around the globe, which is the highest number by any hosting company. Last, Cloudways CDN is straightforward to integrate with Cloudflare CDN.

WPX Hosting

It provides superfast free CDN with its hosting plans. WPX Hosting CDN (Known as WPX Cloud) started in 2018, and till now, they have 26 data points around the globe, which is way less than its competitor. However, choose this dedicated WordPress hosting if you want managed hosting with a free CDN.

Winner: WPX Hosting

Verdict – Even though both hosting providers have CDN features included with their plan, WPX hosting is way superior to Cloudways because of the high number of free data points.

5. Customer Support

Besides speed and Uptime, customer support is the third most important factor before choosing hosting.

It doesn’t matter how good the hosting is; no one will pay attention if it doesn’t provide excellent customer support.

I mean, look at all the popular hosting companies. Most of them are popular not because of their service but because of their customer support.


Here, the support system is very active and helpful as well. They provide 24/7/365 support over live chat, email, and phone calls.

I have personally used their customer support a lot (Especially the live chat support), and I would say they are very fast in responding. The most important thing is they fixed my issue within a few minutes.

WPX Hosting

WPX Hosting also has top-rated customer support in the hosting industry. They have a fantastic response time of just 30 seconds on live chat.

However, even though they have a fantastic response time, it still takes quite a long period to solve the same issue that Cloudways support staff solved in a few minutes. On top of that, they don’t provide support over phone calls.

Winner: Both

Verdict – WPXHosting responds within 30 seconds and offers fast solutions. On the other side, Cloudways also provides support on the phone call, but with WPX Hosting, you won’t get that option. Anyway, both are the best!

6. Security

You don’t know what will happen with your website tomorrow; that’s why the security of your website should always be your priority.

WPX Hosting and Cloudways have taken extra care of their security and ensured you don’t have to face any issues in the future. Let’s see the safety features they provide with their hosting plans.


Cloudways has a superior quality of security. They have dedicated firewalls that they regularly use to find patches on WordPress sites. They also provide a free SSL certificate with their plans.

On top of that, they also have two-factor authentication login security, database security, application isolation, and IP Whitelisting features that will keep your site secure.

WPX Hosting

WPX Hosting also provides decent security features and offers free unlimited SSL certificates, DDoS Protection, and Daily Malware Scanning & Removal that help keep their servers secure.

But still, somewhere again, they lack to provide the kind of advanced features like Cloudways.

Winner: Cloudways

Verdict – Cloudways wins because WPX Hosting provides some basic security features, but its security options are way superior and advanced to WPX Hosting.

7. Cloudways Vs WPX Hosting – Pricing

Here comes the most crucial part of this Cloudways vs WPX Hosting comparison. Pricing is the most important factor that everyone considers before buying hosting. So, let’s compare the pricing of both hosting providers and find out which is worth spending the money on.


Cloudways has very affordable pricing plans that even a beginner can afford. The pricing of this managed hosting starts from $11/mo and goes up to $88/mo (The most expensive and premium plan).

This best managed Cloud hosting offers standard and premium plans for DO servers and High-frequency and standard pricing plans for Vultr servers. To select an ideal plan, check the difference between Cloudways Premium Vs Standard and Vultr High-Frequency and Standard.

WPX Hosting


On the other hand, WPX Hosting has premium and not-so-affordable pricing plans. The pricing of WPX Hosting starts from $20.83/mo and goes up to $83.25/mo.

This pricing won’t be affordable if you’re in the beginning phase. However, if you have an online business, you can think about trying it.

Winner: Cloudways

Verdict – It’s obvious that Cloudways is the winner in pricing because of the kind of service it provides at this affordable price.

Cloudways Vs WPX Hosting – Which Hosting Server Should You Buy?

There’s no doubt that Cloudways wins the race in this comparison between Cloudways And WPX Hosting. It prevails in most aspects that a good hosting provider should have. This cloud hosting is stealing the show everywhere, be it speed, Uptime, security, or pricing.

However, WPX Hosting is giving Cloudways tough competition, but they still have to improve a lot. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced techy geek, Cloudways is an ideal choice if you want to share a premium hosting service at an affordable price.

Other Cloudways Comparisons

Cloudways Vs SiteGround

Cloudways Vs Kinsta

Cloudways Vs Godaddy

Cloudways Vs WPEngine

by Nirmala
Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

4 thoughts on “Cloudways vs WPX Hosting – Which WordPress Hosting Should You Buy In 2024?”

  1. Both are great web hosts.

    Most people don’t realize it but web hosting plays a key role. Investing in the right host can be the right choice.

    I heard a lot of positive things about Cloudways but never tried but I’ve been using WPX hosting for more than 5 years on my blog.

    They are professional and offer super-fast website speeds with incredible support team access. If you don’t mind shelling out a few extra bucks, WPX is definitely a great choice.

    That said, at just $10/mo, Cloudways is an incredible hosting choice too. Both web hosts offer amazing speeds!

    • I agree with you Anil Agarwal, I heard a lot of positive things as well about Cloudways but never tried it. I have been using WPX hosting for about 4 years hosting all blogs with them. I think l will give Cloudways a try.

  2. Just had to say this….I have a website that gets about 15,000 visitors each day.

    I’ve tried many different hosts (WP Engine, Flywheel, Nexcess, and many more) over the last 7 years and Cloudways by far beats their services.

    Their speed and cost are exceptional. Because Cloudways isn’t a fully managed solution, I didn’t expect the level of support that a company like WP Engine would provide.

    However, I was pleasantly surprised because someone was always there to help me identify issues even though many issues weren’t their responsibility. I would highly recommend Cloudways especially for the people like me who are caught in the middle….we can’t use shared hosting, but we can’t afford the cost of an all out dedicated bare metal type server with fully managed support.

    • Hi Rafael,

      Thanks for sharing your feedback. Yes, Cloudways is better when compared to other hosting services. Support is also good.


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