How To Secure A Small Business WordPress From cyber threats?


Looking for some useful small business security tips? Here, in this post, I have shared the best strategies for your business safety.

Not just the million-dollar organizations are facing the persistent cyber threats lingering in the digital space; the problem has also started affecting small businesses.

With the increasing number of attacks on mid-sized and small companies, it is a call for them not to take security as a not so important aspect. Any form of carelessness can affect the company monetarily and reputation-wise too.

Here, I’ve prepared a Small Business WordPress Guide to present you with some brilliant ideas on improving your security further. It is a big challenge to manage security.

Thus, I recommend you to go through this guide thoroughly and follow the measures mentioned as a key to safeguarding your WordPress website in the cybersphere.

Let’s dive in quickly and understand the same!

9 Useful small business Security Tips

1. Security through SSL certificates

Security is a vital aspect for all companies, irrespective of their size. It is essential to keep a check on cybersecurity which can quickly be done through the special Secure Socket Layer certificates, as utilized by most organizations today. Once you install the right SSL cert on your website, you ensure an encrypted connection between the web browser and the client-server.

Reliable yet inexpensive certificates such as RapidSSL and Comodo SSL certificates are among the ones most organizations prefer. To safeguard themselves in the cyber realm, the certificates are popular and pocket-friendly. These are readily available in the market and provide the same level of encryption as the more expensive certificates. 

2. Focus on regular backup

The user data must remain safe in a space full of cyber threats; the need for having a proper backup cannot be ignored. The complete small business and you as an owner stay prepared against any cyber attack, which outlines the cardinal measure of having a proper backup.

Small companies work hard to build a rapport, and such attacks significantly impact the retailers by decreasing users’ trust towards the brand. In this way, cyber security business ideas must encompass offline and online backups for any such situation.

If you built your small business site on WordPress, then it is just a piece of cake to backup your valuable data. Yes, I have shared some best ways to back up the WordPress website, so that you may choose your convenient way. Sit back and relax; no need to worry about content theft.

3. Regular Risk Assessment for the win

Though every business works hard to safeguard all the systems and information, even a bit of carelessness can cost you massively. It is essential to assess the potential threats by performing the risk tests that provide a clear picture of the weak areas.

It allows you to improve in those areas to avoid all threats. Trained professionals can perform independent and trustworthy tests to keep security intact. They could find the possible loopholes and let you avoid the data loss frustration.

4. Good password protection

Every organization relies on several passwords to keep its systems secure. But your passwords should be strong enough to withstand any primary attack. Most organizations cannot clear this preliminary stage and emerge as a victim in the end.

A password should have special characters and must be strong to serve the purpose. It should be changed frequently, and one can maintain a separate vault to keep a record. No two platforms should ever have the same password as it increases your chance of data loss.

5. Safeguard using updated Version

Often seen as a foundational measure and can be listed among the most overlooked ones, this can protect you in the cyber realm. Regularly updating the software can keep the attackers at bay and provide you with all the possible security without much effort.

It is a measure practiced even by big businesses and firms; the whole organization must practice the same irrespective of its size. Automatic updates can be a great help in this regard. With every update, the entire system becomes more strengthened. 

As a WordPress site owner, you should have its updated version and also make sure to update the installed plugins. An outdated version may act as a key for the Cyberpunks to access your company data and they could easily take over the control.

6. Proper training and workshops for employees

Businesses need to train their employees as they are the pillars of the business in the cybersphere. Even the statistics suggest that human errors can cost millions to companies.

Therefore, all organizations need to organize regular workshops for employees. These cyber security training are for their education, which provides them with insight into dealing with cyber attacks. 

7. Make use of antivirus software & customized Login

No matter how robust your security is, all businesses need to deploy antivirus software that can help them to keep a safe distance from the virus or any form of attack. The software should have the potential to offer proper protection and strength system technology as is required in the digital space. Numerous software is available in the markets that help computers keep clarity and respond appropriately while facing an attack.  

Likewise, it is better to use a customized login page instead of using a default page for your WordPress site. Yes, it would help to tighten the security of your business site as you will be changing the Login URL that no one could guess. Besides, I would advise you to activate two-factor authentication for improved security.

 8. Do not store user data 

Storing essential user data is a massive threat in the cyber realm, not only to money but also to the IT equipment. The first thing that the hackers want is access to the client data. In this regard, you mustn’t take any form of risk by storing critical user data.

This practice must be followed thoroughly as an essential part of this Small Business WordPress Guide. Leakage of this critical user data can be hazardous to the company’s network if a hacker gains access to the same.

9. Block Suspicious IP & install Security Plugin

Do you know it is easy to block certain IP addresses in WordPress? Yes, you can ban the distrustful IP address from preventing your site from hacking attempts. It is possible to get the job done by plugins or through coding. I have crafted a detailed post on denying a particular IP address to keep the intruders at bay!

On the other hand, installing and using the best WordPress security plugin is essential to protect your small business site better. Here you can see a bunch of Security plugins for WordPress; you may use the suitable one according to your site requirements. Instead of using a free plugin, I recommend a premium version for air-tight security.


All businesses, irrespective of their size, are working towards a system of security that is strong enough to withstand any attack. Statistics suggest that the proportion of small businesses facing the risk in this decade is far too much compared to earlier times. Despite having the best minds in the organization, it is not surprising to get caught in the tricks of these crafty criminals.

All the steps mentioned above, including the thorough education of employees, implementing stiff yet flexible policies in the organization, appropriate certificates, and data storage and backup, cannot guarantee total protection but safeguard you to a great extent.

Following these steps brings you customer satisfaction and success in a limited period. Do you have any other security tips to share? I hope this Small business WordPress guide to enhancing safety will help you relax and focus on the company’s growth. Leave your priceless thoughts in the comment section.

by Nirmala
Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

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