Best Third-Party Genesis Themes For Every WordPress Site

Genesis is the flexible and easy-to-use foundation framework to make the WordPress themes. 

Thus the WordPress developers and theme designers show more interest in creating the child themes for the Genesis Framework and selling as third-party Genesis themes.

If you’re a great fan of StudioPress themes, you can get a suitable theme for your WordPress site.

However, if you’re looking to buy the Genesis theme that has been developed with unique functionalities, then you have more choices.

Through this post, let me consolidate some best responsive third-party Genesis themes (Other than StudioPress) so that you can get the appropriate one according to your requirements.

15 Best Third-Party Genesis Theme Sellers

Following are the excellent Genesis child themes that are unavailable in StudioPress! 

third-party genesis child themes

1. Imagely

The Imagely has a collection of fantastic Genesis child themes with the photo-centric design. It’s layouts are clean and modern that would make your WordPress site visually appealing.

2. Appendipity

The Appendipity themes can help you take your site to the higher level through its versatile styling and precise look. They are specially made for the entrepreneur to experience the stunning results.

3. Web-Savvy Marketing

For the dedicated businesses and marketers, Web-Savvy Marketing has great Genesis themes that are SEO-friendly and highly secured. All the Genesis templates are easily customizable and highly responsive as well.

4. Zigzagpress

If you are looking for the functional cum attractive Genesis child themes, then Zigzagpress themes would fulfill your requirements. You can get the crystal-clear templates with rich, flexible features.

5. Appfinite

Appfinite has launched some gorgeous premium WordPress theme for the Genesis Framework. It has a great community, and hence you could get help to make a custom web design.

6. Themedy

The Themedy encloses both Thesis and Genesis themes for the WordPress site. Custom shortcodes, landing page templates, trouble-free backend theme options and helpful forum support are some of the qualities of Themedy Genesis themes.

7. WPStudio

How about getting the beautiful, clean, responsive and powerful functional templates that have been built upon the rock-solid Genesis framework? Yes! Frank from WPstudio has some freshly baked Genesis themes for WordPress.

8. Prettydarncute

Being specialize in the Genesis Framework, Lindsey had made a number of themes with great ease-of-use and efficiency. Prettydarncute themes contain stunning page layouts and custom widgets to create a unique design for your business brand.

9. Restored316designs

Due to the top-notch design and code, the themes of restored316designs have been trusted by thousands of users. These Genesis child themes are specially made for female entrepreneurs to dazzle their audience.

10. Ohhellodesigns

Ohhellodesigns boasts the best Feminine Genesis child themes that are easy to personalize as per your needs. Susan, the WordPress designer, loves in creating the classic yet flexible layouts in this boutique web design studio.

11. Risenuponthee

If you want to get the simple yet striking Genesis template, then you may have a look at the child themes of Risenuponthee and buy the suitable one. You will be amazed at its elegant design look that would tweak your site to the next level.

12. SEOThemes

As the name implies, the SEO themes comprise the Search engine optimized WordPress Genesis themes to get high search engine page results through its Schema Microdata, Google fonts, and Maps features.

13. Minimal Genesis

Having stylish, simple, and ultra-modern themes, Minimal Genesis themes are on my list of third-party Genesis child themes that are worth the money. All the uncomplicated designs would make your site load blazing fast.

14. Designbybloom

If you are searching for Genesis themes for WordPress that have been made with real creativity, then you should have a look at the premium WordPress themes built on Genesis Framework by Designbybloom.

15. Creative Market 

You might have known that the Creative Market is one of the best marketplaces to buy WordPress themes at an affordable cost. If you search for the Genesis themes here, you will get plentiful templates with a dramatic appearance.

Non-StudioPress Genesis WordPress Themes For Every Category

Best E-Commerce Genesis WordPress Themes

Envy Pro WPEnvy Pro WP Genesis Theme For eCommerce

Do you want to build the high-quality online stores WordPress site using Genesis theme? I have a fantastic suggestion for you, and it is Envy Pro WP Theme built on Genesis Framework. 

This best Genesis child theme for Woocommerce has a slider section to highlight your products, and unique breathing space has been provided for the Call-To-Action to get the massive conversions.

Envy Pro Demo & Download


Micro Store

micro store ecommerce genesis theme

If you’re looking to buy the one-page e-commerce theme, then you may have an eye on the qualities of MicroStore from Creative Market. 

Through this Genesis eCommerce theme, you can give the entire business details to your audience and create the order form with the payment methods & address as well.

Micro Store Demo & Download

Best Genesis Business Theme

Startstart genesis theme for business

The Start is a one page Genesis theme built with Bootstrap. It is an ideal template to showcase the business product or service astoundingly and pull the attention of your visitors.

You can showcase everything like image, slider or video and add your latest blog posts for reader engagement. Moreover, it is possible to add the Map, Testimonials, Pricing Table and team member details of your business.

Start Demo & Download


Augustusaugustus genesis business theme

Augustus is one of the best Genesis themes for business sites built with WordPress. Yes, you can brand your business and stand out from the competition through this dazzling WP template.

It is a clean theme that could attract a huge audience and nudge then check your complete details. It’s Menu and Slider combination is interactive, and it is more likely to please the visitors by showcasing your other details of your business.

Augustus Demo & Download

Best Genesis Theme For Affiliate Marketing

Guruguru genesis theme for affiliate marketing

Affiliate marketing is one of the best ways of making money from blogging. Choosing the themes with the professional presentation of a product review is helpful of the affiliates. However, I can’t find out the Genesis WordPress theme that supports 5-star review.

Anyway, Guru from Appfinite is a potential Genesis theme for affiliate marketing. You can pull the attention of your readers with its stunning look and detailed data.

The option to add your “Contact” on the homepage is impressive, and the way of showcasing your valor through the “About” widget is awesome. You can put the pricing table, product/service stats, Newsletter, etc. to get the customized homepage for your affiliate products.

Guru Demo & Download


Aspire Proaspire pro genesis theme affiliate

Aspire Pro is also one of the best Genesis affiliate WordPress themes that has the Slider, Portfolio, Custome header with the background, Featured images and Wocommerce options to present your content in a reasonable manner and convert loyal subscribers into leads.

It is more likely to add your personalized content, highlight the product that you’re selling, your skills and achievements, testimonials, pricing table, customer reviews and much more. What else do you want for your WordPress site created for affiliate earnings?

Aspire Pro Demo & Download

Fast Loading Genesis Themes

Sunshinefast genesis theme sunshine

If you want to own a sleek look WordPress blog that loads lightning fast, then your pick should be the Sunshine from SimplePro themes. You can quickly set up the homepage with smarty boxed, full-width widgets.

It is one of the light-weight themes that has all structural features like Mobile menu, eCommerce, HTML 5, Author box and so on with which you could build an incredible site load under seconds. I’m sure that you will adore the theme elements.

Sunshine Pro Demo & Download


Utility Proutility pro fastest loading genesis theme

Utility Pro is a fast loading Genesis WordPress theme that could make your website more accessible through its clean HTML code, high contrast, mobile responsive, and color options.

As it is a quick mobile-friendly theme, you readers will get a speedier experience on mobile devices. Its professional look is a major upside of this fastest Genesis child theme.

Being a well-built swift theme, Utility Pro can offer the best experience for your site audience. The multiple layout options, landing page, browser support, utility bar, Newsletter subscription are the other remarkable points of this rapid WordPress theme.

Utility Pro Demo & Download

Best Genesis Child Themes For Photography


genesis photography theme gallery

If you are the one who searches for the best Genesis theme for Photography to showcase your excellent work, then you should get the Gallery theme from Zigzagpress without any second thought.

It has a fantastic homepage of Slider type to get more eyeballs on your pictures. The page layouts, gallery layouts, and blog page are nice-looking nature that would fulfill your presentation needs.

Gallery Demo & Download


HelloCeohellocer genesis theme for photographers

When you present your photographic images through the interactive elements of the beautiful design, then it is much easier to impress your audience and convert them into loyal leads/subscribers. Hence, you should get a fantastic Genesis child theme for photographers.

Being a woman photographer or if you have female photographs to show off, buying the Helloceo from Helloyoudesigns is the right choice. Yes! Your portraits deserve to be demonstrated engagingly to launch your brand and surpass the competitors.

HelloCeo Demo & Download

Best Genesis Themes For Food Blogs

Tastefultasteful genesis food theme

Food bloggers should have a tasty-looking theme to feast their audience. The tasteful theme from resorted316designs is the best foodie WordPress theme for Genesis Framework that has a highly visual look and feel to put your yummy recipes on the show.

Since it supports several WordPress plugins and color-changing choices, you can get a personalized look for your food blog. This best Genesis theme for food bloggers is feasible. Add the “AD” at the footer and sell your delicious recipes through the e-commerce feature.

Tasteful Demo & Download



bakerista pro genesis theme for food blogs

Do you want to display your culinary masterpiece through the impressive featured section and galleries? If yes, then you should opt the Bakerista Pro Genesis WordPress theme from Creative Market.

Portfolio page, recipe index page, Widgetized homepage are the great functionalities of this Genesis food theme that helps in making an ultimate food blog using WordPress. So, are you ready to share your yummiest dishes?

Bakerista Demo & Download

Best Genesis Portfolio Themes

Megalithemegalithe genesis portfolio theme

For the creative professionals, building the perfect portfolio is essential to catch the attention of the people without any distraction. If you are a graphic/logo designer, artist, creative poet, painter, etc. who want to feature your best work on your WordPress site, consider purchasing the splendid Genesis theme for Portfolio, Megalithe.

It is a multipurpose responsive theme that would help you present your portfolio in an inspired way! As the layouts of Megalithe are interactive and notable, it is considered as one of the best WordPress portfolio themes to exhibit your artistic quality.

Megalithe Demo & Download


Readyfolio2readyfolio2 genesis theme for portfolio

Showcasing the latest work would become an easier task with the Readyfolio2 theme of Themedy. The way that you express your innovative skill matters a lot and hence your portfolio design should be good.

It is one of the attractive portfolio themes for Genesis that has the precise elements to increase the focus of your visitors on your resourceful ability. There is no doubt that you’re going to get excited about the home page and blog page styles of this WordPress Genesis theme.

Readyfolio2 Demo & Download

Best Real Estate Genesis Themes For WordPress

Timothyreal estate genesis theme

Real estate business is trending and having a modern, yet stylish design would help your list the properties in a sophisticated manner, and hence your site audience could find what they are exactly looking for.

Timothy Genesis theme from Web Savvy Marketing has been specially made for the real-estate based business websites to list and sell the properties. This easy-to-use, SEO-friendly WordPress theme contains flexible rotator, multiple sidebars, call-to-boxes and widegitized home page to get a customized design for your business.

Timothy Demo & Download


WinningAgentwinning agent genesis theme real estate

WinningAgent is a good alternative to Timothy WordPress theme that works with the WordPress IDX providers and third-party listing plugins. You can showcase the featured properties and as well as the communities for your clients to connect with your market.

Simple content boxes, buttons, multiple color options, and stylized social icons are the remarkable highlights of this Genesis WordPress real estate theme. Moreover, you can get a personal brand through this responsive, HTML5 design for Genesis Framework.

WinningAgent Demo & Download

Best Genesis Feminine Themes

Sarah Ellensarah ellen genesis feminine theme

It is perfect that the themes are specially geared for woman entrepreneurs. So, if you are fashion, lifestyle, health or beauty niche blogger, then you may consider picking the feminine Genesis child themes to empower your brand.

Sarah Ellen is the finest Genesis template for feminine blogs & websites. It includes the online store, Email subscription, color options, Schema support and much more. This best Feminine WordPress Genesis theme can be tweaked to get a customized look.

Sarah Ellen Demo & Download


Marionmarion feminine genesis theme

WordPress Genesis theme with a feminine flair is ideal for the modern women who want to shine in the online business world. Marion from Creative Market is a tremendous Genesis theme perfectly suitable for feminine blogs. 

It is also a Wocommerce ready theme with the responsive gallery.  You will be in love with Widgets & Widgetized areas, News letter integration, Menu location, SEO-friendliness and color options. The responsive slider of this beautiful feminine WordPress Genesis theme is an eye-catching element.

Marion Demo & Download

Best Genesis Child Themes For Blogging

Zengenesis blogging theme

The design of the blog plays a vital role in reaching the target audience and pleasing the searching engines. For the passionate bloggers like you, the premium best Genesis theme for SEO, Zen has been made by the ZigzagPress.

It is a marvelous Genesis WordPress theme that would help you build a tailored site for your brand. Having a minimalist look with a Flexslider, color styles and precise templates are the notable features of this Genesis blog theme.

Zen Demo & Download


Reactivgenesis theme bloggers

Designing a seamless blog that complements your ideas and writing talent would help you get tons of loyal readers. Reactiv from Themedy is a great Genesis child theme for the bloggers that has a clean looking homepage.

It has an individual page to feature your works, and its blog page is overwhelming uniqueness. Easily customizable slider, portfolio functionality, landing page templates, custom shortcodes are the remarkable qualities of this blog Genesis theme that you should know.

Reactiv Demo & Download

Few More Genesis third-party Templates of Other Kind Of Blogs

Best Genesis Theme For Podcast

Playcast Pro from Appendipity is a versatile Genesis child theme for Podcast. It supports MP3 links and video embed code to present the Podcast shows. Download, Play in new Window and Share are the three options available in every blog post that would help you build a spectacular website for your podcasts.

Best Genesis Theme for Education

If you want to create a website for your academic course or institute with WordPress, then you may have a look at the details of Deborah Genesis theme from Web-savvy marketing. This mobile responsive, SEO theme has event calendars, online stores, contact form, donation call to action, Newsletter subscription and much more for your educational website.

Best Genesis Theme For Yoga Site

To build a WordPress website for the fitness class like Yoga, gym or health clubs, getting Kristie, the best Yoga Genesis WordPress theme is the right choice. You can include the profiles of the instructors, class schedules and client testimonials in an inspiring manner.

Wrapping Up

StudioPress created the Genesis Framework with clean & structured code, great functionality, and super security. It’s child themes are SEO-friendly, mobile responsive, Ad-optimized and coherent to HTML5 standard.

However, you may need the Genesis child theme for the specific category and not be satisfied with the StuidoPress themes.

Now, the third-party Genesis themes come into play.

Even though the StudioPress doesn’t support these themes directly, you can use them with Genesis Framework license.

I hope that I have listed the best Non-StudioPress Genesis child theme sellers and helpful templates for every WordPress blog. 

If you want to add value to this post with your best Genesis WordPress theme suggestions, you are most welcome to leave your viewpoint in the comment section.

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

4 thoughts on “Best Third-Party Genesis Themes For Every WordPress Site”

  1. Great list of themes Nirmala…I am a big fan of genesis themes and I am also using a Genesis theme for my blog..these themes are SEO friendly and are easily ranked in search engines..!!

  2. Great themes Nirmala….Genesis themes are always great and have lot of great features….they are very user friendly and visitors can easily engaged in these theme blogs….great share..thanks Nirmala..!!

  3. Studiopress has recently updated its list with new attractive themes. I was looking for third-party themes and all of them here.

    Mam, can you please make a list for technology blogs and magazines?


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