Why Should You Get Managed Cloud Hosting For WordPress?


Suddenly, there’s a new trend of managed WordPress cloud hosting gaining momentum among bloggers & marketers across the globe.

Most WordPress users are moving out of the shared hosting ecosystem to managed cloud hosting for a secure, swifter, and reliable hosting platform.

While managed cloud hosting is a bit costly compared to the shared hosting packages available out there, it is wise to invest in it to ensure security and better performance.

To understand this, you must know how managed cloud hosting for WordPress works in real life.

What Is Managed Cloud Hosting?

As the internet world evolves, hosting companies are developing better solutions to speed up websites and upgrade the overall user experience. One such evolution is cloud hosting.

In comparison, cloud hosting surely beats traditional hosting solutions such as shared hosting, VPS, or dedicated server hosting regarding security, performance, and price point.

So, What is Cloud Hosting?

Cloud hosting allows you to configure a highly scalable and reliable server. Here, the resources are spread across several web servers, and thus, the Downtime is almost NIL.

In simple words, the cloud hosting is

  • Scalable
  • Reliable
  • Customizable

However, DIY cloud hosting services like Digital Ocean & Linode can be a bit too complicated for someone without technical expertise because they need a third-party tool like ServerPilot to configure the server. 

Even though DIY cloud hosting is an ideal and secure environment, it is not a viable solution for a blogger or an online publisher with little to no knowledge of server configuration.

Well, here’s where Managed Cloud Hosting solutions come into action!

  • You don’t need to bother about the technical matters & upgrades
  • You will get flexible scaling features to handle the massive traffic at times
  • You can stay safe through improved security and complete backup

Different managed cloud hosting providers have recently emerged at quite reasonable rates to help you with the technical side of managing a cloud VPS. 

In a more extended context, managed cloud hosting will save your time, human resources, and most importantly comes with a bunch of quality features.

It is a stress-free hosting environment where you can avoid technical glitches. Here, there is no doubt in taking your site to a new level regarding performance and user experience.

Now, let’s look in-depth at the advantages of getting the best managed WordPress cloud hosting server! 

Benefits Of Buying Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting 

A lot of members of the blogger community on Facebook and other community platforms are either making or recommending a switch to a cloud cum Managed WordPress hosting.

These recommendations mainly came from Pro bloggers who saw the benefits of managed cloud hosting for WordPress.

After witnessing a curve toward this advanced hosting platform and realizing the true meaning of a fully managed hosting solution, I have also decided to switch to Managed Cloud Hosting for WordPress blogs.

This blog is hosted on the fastest Managed WordPress hosting company that offers cloud features, CloudWays, to perform well through its exceptional qualities.  

In addition, I have compared Cloudways with top cloud hosting companies and consolidated its amazing features better than others. Don’t miss getting the Cloudways discount!

Here are some of the excellent benefits I experienced after switching to a managed cloud hosting platform for WordPress. 


1. Instant Setup

With a managed cloud hosting setup, there’s no need to configure anything. Everything is already installed on the server

All you need is to add your domain, update the nameservers or DNS at your domain registrar, and choose the WordPress package. That’s it!

Through the accessible setup features, your WordPress site can be live within a few minutes!

Most of the managed cloud hosting providers offer free SSL certificates that you can quickly register and set up on your domain

2. High Performance

A fully managed WordPress cloud hosting service guarantees high performance compared to other hosting solutions since it uses the latest technologies like PHP 7, NGINX, etc., and offers the newest architecture. 

WordPress is integrated and fine-tuned to the server to deliver more excellent performance and better loading speeds.

Yeah! For speedy service, they enabled server-level caching and supports CDN as part of their package. Thus, you can avoid installing unnecessary plugins for speed optimization

All the essential applications relevant to WordPress are also up-to-date, and there’s no need to pay for them separately while on a managed cloud hosting platform.

As I mentioned earlier, the resources get split into multiple servers, and yes, it can provide 100% Uptime for your website, which in turn tweaks your reputation with all-time site availability.   

3. Globally Distributed

If your blog is targeted towards a specific country or continent, then having your site hosted within the region can help cut down network latency and improve the page loading speed.

Most managed WordPress cloud hosting providers have servers in different regions such as the USA, Canada, Europe, Asia-Pacific, and South America.

Choose an ideal location and ensure quick content delivery to your valuable readers.

4. Fully Scalable


With the managed cloud web hosting service, you can scale up or down as per your preferences. The hosting provider will charge you depending on the resources you utilize for the month.

If you expect a lot of traffic during the festive season and not so much during the offseason, you can upscale your resources accordingly.

It is quite difficult in a shared hosting scenario where the hosting provider naturally prompts you to opt for a dedicated server.

The DIY cloud setup can fit perfectly for scalability at will. However, it may be tricky.

On the other hand, a managed WordPress host will monitor resource usage and notify you when you reach the pre-defined limits.

5. Top-Notch Security

Security is the main feature why many WordPress users are switching to a managed cloud server. As the internet grows, so do hackers. Without the proper security strategies, every website is vulnerable to malware attacks.

In shared hosting or DIY Cloud setup, the hosting providers don’t take responsibility or provide technical support for a security breach or malware attack.

On the other hand, you can get complete technical assistance from your managed cloud hosting provider during such malware attacks if there is any.

Many managed cloud hosting providers have prime security features and firewalls installed in their ecosystems. They monitor your site 24 X 7 and keep the intruders at bay!

There’s no way anyone can breach it or attack your sites. Even if they do, the technical support will help you recover.

Just have a look at what the experts are doing for WordPress security

6. One-Click Staging 

Whether you are testing a new feature on your blog or setting up a whole new website, you need to check it before going live.

Managed WordPress Cloud Hosting is the best option for most hosting providers offering one-click staging environments. Using this feature, you can quickly set up a clone of your application with a single click.

Try and test the new plugins or other development changes on the testing site. Once convinced with the tests, just push the changes to the production site right from the admin dashboard. It’s as simple as it gets.

7. Regular Backups

Backing up and restoring data is one of the leading concerns for website owners today. Typical backup features are available in premium shared hosting packages, but it will cost you more.

For a DIY cloud setup, you need to configure your backup system and opt for VPS snapshots, which again would dig a hole in your pocket.

Well, the automatic backup feature is already built into the managed WordPress cloud hosting and it is available for free.

Whenever you face a problem or need to restore the backed-up data, you can just use the one-click restore feature available on your hosting account.

You can access multiple backups for WordPress at any given time, depending on the hosting provider. You can also backup data manually at any given time.

8. Top Notch Support

Besides offering a fully managed WordPress hosting solution with a scalable feature, you also get 24/7 full customer support.

Whether you are looking for technical assistance, billing information, or desire to talk to a sales representative, you get full support at any time.

Most of the associates in the professional assistance team are well-versed in WordPress. In addition, most managed WordPress cloud hosting providers also offer resources and tutorials to help the users.

Follow the step-by-step instructions to troubleshoot any problem or opt for technical assistance, and they will help you.

Over To You!

If you don’t want to get frustrated with the technical management of your WordPress site and wish to stay productive for your business growth, then you should buy the best-managed cloud hosting server.

I admit that shared hosting is a cheaper option today. However, in the long run, investing more money in the web hosting server is wise.

If you Google for cheap WordPress cloud hosting, you can get a reliable host provider that never lets your site down at any cost. 

After considering these benefits, it’s high time you switched to managed WordPress cloud hosting to skyrocket the performance of your website.

Now, it’s time to listen to your opinion! 

Do you like the advantages of Managed cloud hosting for WordPress? Which type of hosting server are you using? Share your priceless thoughts and experiences in the comment section. 

by Nirmala
Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

11 thoughts on “Why Should You Get Managed Cloud Hosting For WordPress?”

  1. Hey Nirmala!

    Hosting is one of the most important parts of building a successful blog online. You have to take good care of the speed and reliability of your blog. This can make or break your entire blog site and business.

    I would also highly recommend using a cloud-based hosting service. I do.

    This will increase the loading speed which in return will improve your blog conversions and search engine rankings. There are just so many positive benefits of using such hosting service.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

    • Hi Freddy, you’re right!
      The page loading speed of the website is more important and hence it is essential to pick a reliable hosting server for the quick content delivery.
      We are doing well with Cloudways, it is trouble-free as well.
      Thanks for reading my post.

  2. Cloud Hosting is something very good. I had a very good time with the Inmotion Hosting for a period of over eight months but then I have to make the frequent visits to the customer support. It has one of the best customer support but I hate making frequent visits to them. Can you tell me which host to go for if I want to choose the Cloud Hosting and yeah that is Managed Cloud Hosting 🙂

    • Hi Mach,

      Thanks for reading my post. Good to know that you have used InMotion hosting, even we too. It was good.

      However, we wanted to make the blogs better and hence shifted to Cloudways hosting. I recommend the same Managed cloud hosting for you.

      You can get it without any second thoughts.

  3. Nice article. Thanks for sharing this.
    I find your articles are useful and I read those regularly. One more thank for your good works.

  4. You have shared the helpful information. I understand that the hosting server should be reliable with 100% Uptime. Thanks for writing the benefits of Cloud hosting, I would like to get it.

    • Hi Pramod,

      Yes, we should get the server service that guarantees 100% uptime so that we can get a great credibility among our site readers and search crawlers as well.

      Great that you would like to get the managed WordPress cloud hosting, you may go with CloudWays. I have written a detailed review for Cloudways hosting, it is a fantastic service that can give you stress-free hosting experience.

      Thanks for coming by, stay tuned!


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