How To Make Your Website More Engaging & Appealing? [10 Actionable Tips]

Having a website is among the “necessities” for managing a business in today’s digital world. Yet, after creating one, I frequently discover that my potential clients aren’t overjoyed about it.

But why? Because the website lacks appeal and engagement! I realized it and started giving some suggestions to my design customers!

A well-designed website attracts more customers and an enhanced user experience that results in more conversions.

Most internet users prioritize a website’s aesthetic appeal before delving into its information. They are more inclined to view visually appealing as exciting and deserving of their attention and effort.

This does not imply you have to sacrifice great content for an aesthetically appealing website design. Due to many websites presenting identical material, modern internet consumers have limited interaction time.

They may quickly leave one website and visit another if they are dissatisfied. To sustain 100% user engagement, a website’s aesthetic attractiveness must be balanced with high-quality, relevant information.

While creativity is necessary, some fundamental design and user experience principles will assist you in growing your website.

Best Ways To Build An Attractive & Interactive WordPress Site

 Keep the following tips in mind while you create or rebuild your website!

1. Simple layout & quick navigation

The more straightforward your website’s appearance and layout, the preferable. That is not to say it needs to be bland, but it should emphasize the basics. Simple, practical designs make it much easier to load, browse, and browse your site across many platforms and gadgets.

Another vital tip is focusing on navigation. Keep the navigation clean and straightforward to avoid bounce rates and let visitors spend time on your website. While it may be enticing to get innovative with the layout of your navigational menus, minimalism, and a clear information structure are more crucial.

Keeping your menus consistent looks lets your visitors feel at ease as they navigate your site. To keep your site audience engaged, you may add in-depth guides and helpful tutorials through the footer menu.

2. Emphasise website loading speed

There is another reason we stressed functionality and a straightforward layout while designing a website. This is because it is also directly related to the speed with which your website opens and responds to user interactions.

The vital part is the time required to view your website. Users will abandon your website if it takes too long to load. If you’ve solved the page load portion, be careful to complete the task by ensuring that links and other sites load quickly.

Look at the loading speed of my blog! I always focus on page speed as it is one of the Google ranking factors. I recently moved my blog to the high-frequency Vultr server and Cloudflare Pro CDN to pass the core web vital assessments.


Also, avoid including video links or content on your website unless you need video material. Additionally, consider technologies and resources that might assist in speeding up and decreasing the loading time of your webpage.

However, you can shorten the length of your video and display only the relevant information through videos using a video trimmer. A short video will boost the loading speed of your webpage; hence, you can increase user engagement and convey your message through video.

You might also want to consider removing video backgrounds and switching to a better video hosting solution as these factors can also help!

3. Include clear CTA buttons

What do you want site visitors to do? Purchase products? Subscribe to your email newsletter. Donate to a good cause? Consider effective calls to action.

They should be designed to stick out to a visitor browsing your website. If your design incorporates buttons, keep the content brief and straightforward.

4. Ensure your website is mobile-friendly

Building a mobile-friendly website is vital. Here, you must consider what to simplify mobile users’ lives and what to leave out. Keep valuable widgets in the sidebar and ensure that they are displayed after your site footer on mobile devices.

Nowadays, it is common (particularly among software businesses) to have a chat system automatically send messages. This helps in determining the user’s readiness to connect with the organization.

While this is quite successful for the desktop version, mobile users may be irritated. Mobile devices feature smaller displays, slower internet connections, and slower processing speeds than desktop PCs.

As a result, an automated popup window might take over the entire screen, obliterating the user experience. So, you must take care of it! Don’t frustrate them with unessential popups and opt-in forms; it would ruin your brand authority.

Besides, Ensure you have a responsive design to make your site look appealing on small-screen gadgets. You may consider using the best WordPress themes like WPAstra or Divi to get an eye-catching yet responsive site design.

5. Build SEO-friendly websites

Modern SEO strategies place a premium on establishing a beneficial environment for the end user. To a great extent, SEO and UX are converging. As such, it is a crucial component of your website’s design from the start.

As a result, you must guarantee that your website complies with current SEO guidelines. This covers both your information and the site’s technical infrastructure.

What is included in this? Anything between:

  • Mobile-responsive and adaptable.
  • Well-structured page with interactive elements.
  • Including useful material like sitemap and robots.txt for fast crawling
  • Passing Core web vital tests.
  • Installing SSL for secure browsing.

6. Ensure your content is jargon-free

When visitors visit your website, the more jargon and marketing-speak content they find and interpret, the less likely they will interact with the company.

A warm, conversational tone assists visitors in reading and comprehending your material and navigating your site. Craft some interesting content to grab more eyeballs.

7. Add testimonials or reviews on the page

One of the most effective strategies to increase your website’s appeal to prospective clients is demonstrating your industry’s reputation. Social proof is a great way to enhance website engagement – and showcase that people already recognize you.

Social proof can take many forms: logos of firms with which you’ve collaborated, verified buyers of your products, short video testimonies, or lengthy written testimonials. Regardless of how they are displayed, including them is crucial.

8. Include social media links to let audience connect with you

Website is a professional medium, but connecting on social media enables them to interact with you well. The more opportunities customers have to interact with you, the more likely they will stay and spread the word about your products and services.

Allowing people to connect with you via other social media platforms will better help them know your business. So, integrate social media buttons that will lead your visitors or clients to your social media account on your website.

9. Divide your content using section headings

When working with content-heavy portions of your site, use headers to split it up. Headings help organize your text and make browsing easier whether you’re writing an article or product information.

It is the best way to make your readers stay longer on your pages. Finally, it will help you reduce the bounce rate of your site. Learn to use the HTags properly so that you can please your audience as well as search engines.

10. Attract visitors’ attention with valuable blog content

Adding additional content is arguably the most effective way to increase website engagement. By writing about frequent topics or concerns your target audience seeks answers to, you may get an advantage over your competition.

It boosts client trust and promotes you as an industry authority. Don’t forget to add internal links! It will increase your topical authority and nudge your audience to come back. Moreover, it is mandatory to edit your old blog posts.

Takeaway – Make Your Website Engaging

These are just some tips for making your website appealing and engaging. Focus on precise web design with easy navigation. Further, focus on the SEO aspects of your website to ensure that your website ranks well on the SERP. 

Do you need any help in creating an interactive website? Reach me through the comment section! I’ll help you with some best suggestions through my online experiences. Also, leave your valuable insights in the comment section.

by Sakthi
Sakthi is a thoughtful guy who specializes in WordPress Setup & Design. He is interested in designing the functional & attractive WordPress themes for the Digital marketers & Bloggers and helping them attain their goals with a tailored site. Being an Elite author of, he is interested in sharing his knowledge through the helpful tutorials.

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