Why Keyword Research Is Important For A SuccessFul WordPress Site?

I can predict that you are having a WordPress website for your business or organization and want to know 

Why is Keyword Research important? 

What are all the benefits of doing KW Research? 

And, all other related stuff!

Am I guessed correctly?

Let me ask you a critical question! 

Are you getting organic traffic? (Visitors from search engines)

If “YES” is your answer, I would like to give grand applause from my side!

If you say “NO,” you should read this blog post until its end, as it will insist on the importance of keyword research, which is the critical factor driving the targeted readers from the search engines. 

Let’s get into the matter!!!

Who else wants to get more visitors from search engines like Google?

Almost every online publisher, right? 

Whether you agree with it or not, search engine traffic is the lifeblood of any website that makes money. However, most of the content creators struggle to boost their search traffic.

Do you know why?

They don’t know how search engines work. They miss out on one major thing while doing SEO, and yes, it is the “KEYWORD RESEARCH.”

In this article, I will talk about what it is all about and how keyword research can be helpful for your website SEO. Let’s begin with the basics! 

What Is Keyword Research?

Well, it is the secret behind getting a lot of traffic from search engines.

Keywords are the backbone of SEO!

You must write words in your website content that your targeted readers are interested in and searching for.

Perfect keyword research involves finding and using the keywords that could increase both your search engine traffic and sales.

Unless you know which phrases and words can bring traffic to your blog site, you can’t take any action. So, you need to extensively research what your readers search keywords.

Keyword research is all about:

  • It is finding keywords that your audience searches on Google and other search engines.
  • Using them appropriately within your content to increase your traffic & sales/leads.

Why Is Keyword Research Extremely Important?


Researching keywords that are relevant to your website is essential as it would let you

# Catch your aimed customers

# Understand their requirements in a better way so that you can provide the solution

# Get high search engine rank positions

These are the three significant benefits of making KW research that would let you run a successful website for your business!

Let’s talk further about why keyword research is essential for SEO so that you can boost your traffic, sales, and user engagement.

1. Get Loyal Traffic From EVERY Content

If you are struggling to increase your traffic from search engines, it might be mainly because you are not doing any keyword research.

How can you increase your traffic Without using the keywords your audience is looking for? So keyword research plays a crucial role in getting higher rankings for your content. 

To optimize your pages, you must know what phrases and words are needed for your niche blog. Getting visitors is not the main thing, but getting the right visitors can fetch your loyal audience. For any business, the success of the product depends on the customer.

A loyal customer loves to visit and buy the product again and again. In fact, he/she refer the product to others too. So, it’s high time we concentrated on loyal visitors. For this, the one and only one way is keyword research.

2. Increase Sales/Leads

Making money from your website becomes easy if you drive thousands of visitors from search engines.

For this purpose, you need to find and use highly profitable keywords. So again, keyword research is vital in generating more sales for your business. 

Be it an affiliate marketer, blogger, or business owner, the one strategy they follow is keyword research. If you want your website to rank high, always make sure that you follow the right keyword strategy. 

Whatever the keywords you use, you may get traffic, but using the wrong keywords can land your website unqualified and unwanted traffic. 

Getting lots of traffic without any is really a frustrating moment for any business owner. This is where keyword research helps you gain momentum.

3. Dominate Your Niche Through Long Tail Keywords

Have you heard about long-tail keywords before?

Long-tail keywords usually contain 4 or 5 keywords. For instance, “Best yoga tips for women” is a long-tail keyword with five keywords.

You can quickly achieve the following by finding and using long-tail keywords in your articles, content, and web pages.

# They help you to boost your search traffic quickly (because the competition for long-tail keywords is usually less)

# They help you to target the RIGHT audience (because you are using specific keywords)

# They help you in increasing your sales (long tail keywords generate more sales than short tail keywords because they are precise)

So if you want to dominate your niche, you can focus on using long tail keywords within your content marketing strategy. That way, keyword research is essential and comes to your rescue to boost your sales and traffic.

4. Beat Your Competitors in SERPs

How to beat your online competitors?

I would say that you can get the job done through Keyword Research!

Yes, if you could craft better, keyword-optimized content than your rivals, then it would become easy to surpass them. After analyzing their site, you should plan your keyword targeting strategies carefully.

For Example:

If you are targeting a keyword to rank, look at the top search results (at least 5) and analyze their useful phrases. Try to get the long tail those active keywords and generate valuable content for your audience.

You may also read How to do the keyword competition analysis by Backlinko. Also, you must track the ranking position of your keywords to make further improvements.

Helpful Tools To Perform Keyword Research

Take the help of the following tools for researching keywords that are relevant to your product/service!

  • Google Keyword Planner – It is a must use for every content publisher who wants to master the art of keyword research, it’s free!
  • Keywordtool – This tool is FREE, and you can get lots of keyword suggestions.
  • Moz Tool – It helps in keyword research and gives accurate results. The FREE version is available for 30 days. It’s used by thousands of SEO experts worldwide.

Premium Keyword Research Tools

Undoubtedly, the free tools have limited features and are unsuitable for heavy users! I always recommend that paid applications play well on search engines.

Long Tail Pro (LTP) – It is one of the best premium tools for keyword research, and you can get the score for average competitiveness so that you’ll be able to get rankable keywords. 

It is the #1 software that I recommend for the keyword search process; I have done the detailed review of Long Tail Pro

 LTP is also offering its cloud version with best features through which you could get the rankable keywords on the go 🙂

As you are my reader, you can get an EXCLUSIVE discount 39% for Long Tail Pro 🙂


If you are still looking for excellent keyword generator tools, look at the KWFinder alternatives (KWFinder is also a reliable website to find the relevant search phrases) and get the best one as per your needs.  

Conclusion about doing keyword research for SEO

How will you let the people who never heard of your company know about your product/service? 

Does your content enclose the phrases that your customers are searching for? 

In simple words, Are you targeting to reach your customers? 

Keyword Research is the answer to all the above questions! And yes, it is the backbone of SEO that lets you get the right audience for your business website. 

It is beneficial if you are looking to optimize your WordPress site for search engines, reach the exact clients, convert your visitors to customers, generate leads, get loyal customers, rank your website high, and increase targeted and qualified traffic to your site.

If you are not doing keyword research yet or doing it in the wrong way, you will be getting unqualified leads, which finally results in almost zero monetary benefits.

I hope that you have thoroughly learned why keyword research is important. If you have any questions, please ask in the comment section; I’ll help you in making the KW search process simple 🙂 

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

8 thoughts on “Why Keyword Research Is Important For A SuccessFul WordPress Site?”

  1. Hi Nirmala,

    It was a pleasure to read your article. I do agree with you on all the points you have mentioned. Keyword research is really important for a successful blog. You haven’t mentioned about LSI keywords. What’s your take on LSI keywords?

    Looking forward to reading more articles from you. Keep up the good work!

    Best Regards,
    Mohit Arora

    • Hi Mohit,

      I feel good that you have found some quality time to read this post. Thanks!

      Yes, LSI keywords are more important and have written its importance in other 2 blog posts.

      I’m using Long Tail Pro Platinum version and it helps me a lot in identifying the long tail keywords that are profitable and rankable.

      I’ll be writing another post, How to take and use LSI keywords, stay tuned!

  2. Well I believe without proper keyword research it would be very hard to achieve traffic from search results. You have explained the importance of keyword research very well.

    Thanks for share!

    • Hi Ruth,

      I 100% agree with your views. Of course, we can’t drive the organic traffic without a performing a proper keyword research. Thanks for reading the post, keep coming!

  3. Hi Nirmala,
    That was really good article. But i would like to raise my opinion that Google Keyword Planner no more gives exact figures. It varies alot now.

  4. Hi Nirmala,

    Keyword research is an important part of Blogging. Without research blogger will not understand what to write and what elements should he add in the blog post.

    Thanks for the post!


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