5 Awesome Features Of Long Tail Pro Cloud (How To Use Tutorial + Discount)


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Keyword Research – The key to bring tons of targeted traffic from search engines! 

I appreciate that you have landed to check the latest qualities of Long Tail Pro Cloud, and yes, it is one of the best KWFinder alternative applications!  

I never write a blog post without performing the keyword research, and for that, I use the best SEO tool –  LONG TAIL PRO CLOUD.

Yes, the cloud version of Long Tail Pro Platinum! 

I have been using LTP for the past four years; it’s just an excellent tool to find out the less competitive long-tail keywords that could rank higher in search results. 

In my Long Tail Pro review, I have clearly explained how to do keyword research for SEO using this long tail keyword finder tool!  

And now, through this post, I would like to discuss the best features of Long Tail Pro Cloud version that makes my keyword discovering job simple 🙂

Read until the end, and I have an exclusive Long Tail Pro Discount for my beloved readers like you! 

Let’s get into the matter! 

5 Qualities That Make Long Tail Pro Cloud Excellent

The long tail pro team is working round the clock to improve its features. They keep on sending emails to the users and help them get better search engine rankings

Last month (November 2017), they have completely redesigned the cloud version of LTP and introduced some new features that would let us rock on the web results!

So, what are the fresh features of Long Tail Pro Cloud? Let’s have a look at them! 

1. Blazing Fast (Than LTP Desktop Version)

In the desktop version, you need to hit the “Calculate” button for each keyword or wait much time for calculating the bulk Avg KC (Average keyword Competitiveness). It is really a time-consuming process.

This is not the case with the LTP cloud version. Once you entered the SEED keyword and enter “RETRIEVE,” you will be getting the faster results in just 30 – 60 seconds. 

Yes! The Average KC for every keyword has automatically gets calculated along with the “Search Volume” and “No.of Words.”

Have a look at the video, and hence you will come to know the lightning-fast performance of the LTP cloud version!

This efficient cloud keyword generator is 50 times faster than its desktop application. I admire this most rapid premium keyword research tool that significantly saves my precious time! 

2. Work Anywhere

The second most thing that I adore about this keyword generator software is its location independence quality! 

Even though the single license of the LTP can be installed on the three machines, it is difficult to take the keywords when you often roam like me 😀 

As the cloud version of Long tail pro is a web-based app, you can use it anywhere through the registered mail and password as the login credential. 

Getting access to my projects anywhere anytime and on any device is an exciting thing that I mostly enjoy.

So, you don’t need to rely on your home PC anymore; grab the long tail keywords on the go 🙂

3. Rank Tracker

Through the Rank tracker tool of LTP Cloud, you can track the page rankings of various keywords of your site with which you can conclude on the topics to be focussed for maximum targeted traffic.

This is a dynamic tool that provides the current project rankings graph so that you can see how your site is doing in a single glance! 

You just have to add the keywords to track and your domain name in this tool. You will be able to see the rank of the keywords for Yesterday, Last week, and Last Month.

You can add two different domains and 30 terms to keep monitoring those performances in the search results and may put a plan to tweak your site. 

4. SERP Availability

A brand new metric named “SERP Availablity” is available in the Cloud LTP through which you will come to know how crowded the SERP is for the keyword that you want to rank for!

The higher the SERP availability score, the higher the ranking opportunity. So, when you look at this score for a specific keyword, you will be able to decide whether you could rank for that particular keyword or not! 


In the above image, you can see that the SERP availability score of the targeted keyword is 100%, and it is nothing but the 100% organic results with 0% featured snippets, local search, ads, and knowledge graph appearance in the search results. 

5. Color-coded KC recommendations

The Keyword competitiveness (Shortly called KC) is a measure of how difficult or easy to rank for a particular search phare or keyword. 

It is a powerful metrics ranges between 1 – 100. The lower the KC, the higher the ranking potential! So, you should take a low Avg. KC keywords to perform well on the search engine results. 

In the Long Tail Pro Cloud, the Avg. KC gets automatically calculated for the related search terms of your seed keyword, and the low values are highlighted in the GREEN color. 


So, you can easily see which keywords you should target. If the Avg KC is colored in “ORANGE,” then it is not recommended to pick that keyword as the primary keyword. 

However, if it is a good long tail keyword with decent search volume, you may include once in your content as an LSI keyword. 

When you click on the keyword with “Green Colored Avg. KC Score“, you will get a competitive analysis for the top 10 Google organic search results. 

Again, you will get the KC score for those top 10 search results along with the other helpful metrics like Trust Flow (TF), Citation Flow (CF), Backlinks, internal links, and so on.

Thus, through this quick competitor analysis, you will conclude picking the rankable yet profitable keywords for the chosen topic. 

Other Fresh Features Of Cloud LTP

Personal Domain Analysis – Get your domain analyzed to focus your Keyword research.

Exact Search Volume – The tool is independent of the Adwords account, and hence you can get the precise search volume instead of getting the frustrating results like “1K – 10K.” 

Monthly Keywords Searches – Through this latest version of the LTP cloud, you can do 10,000 searches per month. 

 Available in Spanish – As Spanish is the second most spoken native language across the world, LTP Cloud is now available for Spanish speakers. 

How To Use Long Tail Pro Cloud To Get Massive Search Traffic?

Using the long tail pro cloud is not a Rocket science! It’s simple! 

All the features and preferences are straightforward, and hence you may use them without any trouble.

First, you have to visit the URL https://app.longtailpro.com/

Log into the cloud application through your registered email and password! 

 Now, you will be able to see the simple yet initiative interface to get high-quality keywords to improve the traffic from Google. 


Step 1: Enter your seed keyword to find out the related search phrases

Step 2: Fix the suggestion count (20 is the Minimum, and you can set up to 400)

Step 3: You may use the “advanced option” to get the exact monthly search volume (Min to Max) and check the advertiser competition. 

Step 4: If you want to customize the results, you can pick the choices as per your needs. Hit “Customize,” and you will get the options to choose (Shown in the above image)

Step 5: Click “RETRIEVE

For Example – I have given “Best Gaming Laptop” as the seed Keyword and got the following results!


Step 6: Click on the keyword “Best gaming laptop under 300“, you will get further results. 


Step 7: By having a look at the search results with all the metrics as shown in the above images, you can decide the PRIMARY keyword and gather the relevant yet profitable LSI keywords to include in your content. 

Step 8: Do you know, this online keyword finder is a deep keyword search tool!

Yes, you can get the in-depth long tail phrases quickly. Let me tell you how!

Look at the below image, you can see “+20” for each keyword, click on it.


When you hit that +20 button, you will get several long tail terms from this SEO keyword tool online! 

Look at the below results, when I clicked “+20” of “Best Gaming Laptop Under 300.


I hope that you have learned “How to use Long Tail Pro Cloud” through my tutorial. If you have any doubt, please ask in the comment section. 

Choose the long tail keywords through this online keyword search tool wisely and tweak your SEO performance! 


# Always for the primary keyword with the AVG KC below 25 and Monthly search volume 100 – 1000. Don’t target the keywords with the high volume of searches greater than 1.5K, as they would be challenging to rank. 

# Always use 5 – 10 less competitive, long tail relevant search terms to the Primary keyword that you have chosen.

Long Tail Pro Coupon (Special Offer)

You have come to an exciting part of the post, Long Tail Pro Discount 🙂


There is a special offer for my readers to purchase this bulk keyword search volume tool!

Getting the exclusive discount on the premium WordPress SEO tool is really impressive, so don’t miss to grab this money-saving deal.

Use the Long Tail Pro Coupon Code – WPGLOSSY39 to get the 39% discount on the LTP Platinum version! 


You may go with the 7-days FREE trial option as well! 

Wrapping Up

Longtailpro is being used by bloggers, Internet marketers, Freelancers, Agencies, and Small Business owners to get quality traffic to their site. 

If you also look for the PROVEN ways to boost your sites’ traffic, then you should find out and use the rankable long tail search phrases in your content.

I admit that the free keyword research tools are available on the web, but you can’t get accurate results from them. 

Long Tail Pro is an amazing paid keyword research tool that can help you get MASSIVE traffic from the search engines! 

The LTP team is actively working on quality enhancements and being introduced fresh features to surpass their competitors like KWFinder, Market Samurai, and so on.

The recent cloud version of the Long Tail Pro has new data visualizations and intuitive navigation & filtering settings to perform the keyword research efficiently. 

You can identify the long tail low competition keywords you are trying to target. Especially if you are building a Niche/Event blog, you could do get in-depth data insights with this relevant keywords generator tool.

I hope that you would like to utilize the newly launched ranking components of Long Tail Pro Cloud and skyrocket the SEO of your website.

Now, you share your priceless thoughts on this excellent keyword research tool!  Are you already using Long Tail Pro software? Would to like to switch over to the LTP cloud version and pull out the long tail yet rankable search phrases?

by Nirmala Santhakumar

Nirmala Santhakumar is a professional blogger, WordPress enthusiast who has been blogging since 2010. She always loves to write useful WP tips, tricks and tutorials on this active blog. Sharing her SEO knowledge is her keen interest.

5 thoughts on “5 Awesome Features Of Long Tail Pro Cloud (How To Use Tutorial + Discount)”

  1. Hey Nirmala!

    Using long tail keywords with your content, while blogging, is the best way to build up search engine traffic.

    I love organic traffic!

    I think search engine traffic is one of the most targeted types of traffic online. Wouldn’t you agree?

    I have used long tail pro. I really like the tool and it does help a lot with finding these keywords that are not so hard to rank high for. All you need to do is put in the work and be consistent with everything.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

  2. Hey Nirmala!

    Using long tail keywords with your content, while blogging, is the best way to build up search engine traffic.

    I love organic traffic!

    I think search engine traffic is one of the most targeted types of traffic online. Wouldn’t you agree?

    I have used long tail pro. I really like the tool and it does help a lot with finding these keywords that are not so hard to rank high for. All you need to do is put in the work and be consistent with everything.

    Thank you for sharing this!

    Best regards! 😀

  3. Very useful article… I am a beginner at blogging and now after reading this article, now I am inspired to do article writing.


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